(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are
solely mine and do not necessarily reflect, in any shape or form,
the official policy or position of WADDANI Party. Analysis expressed
within this article covers neither all achievements of Chairman
Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro) nor all aspects of WADDANI
POLITICAL PROGRAMME. It is simply a brief personal reflection, which
I personally take full responsibility for its contents).
People join political parties for varieties of reasons. Some of
these reasons include, but are not limited to: advancing national
interest, influencing government decisions, supporting a particular
cause, pursuing personal ambition etc. Despite these diverse
personal tastes, I am attempting to explain why I choose to join
WADDANI Party. Although reasons abound, there are two important
aspects that caught my attention: first, the time-tested visionary
leadership style of WADDANI Party’s Chairman, Hon. Abdirahman
Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro), and second, the all-encompassing WADDANI
POLITICAL PROGRAMME intended for the progress and development of our
beloved country—Somaliland.
Visionary Leadership Style of WADDANI Chairman
Somaliland desperately needs a visionary leader. We all know the
crucial role that visionary leaders play in societies: they inspire
a shared vision, they challenge the status quo, enable others to
act, strengthen the economy; curb corruption; improve education,
health, and safety; safeguard the country; attract foreign
investment/relations, etc. Leadership therefore is not an easy task
for everyone to undertake. It is reserved for the natural born
leaders capable of handling the aforesaid daunting tasks. However,
the only way to verify one’s leadership competence is to put him/her
to the test and evaluate him/her afterwards. One leader who went
through the most difficult and excruciating leadership test, and has
passed with flying colors, is irrefutably the Chairman of WADDANI,
Hon. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro). Due to his long-term
public service, it is obvious that this short article cannot do
justice to this important subject because it cannot cover in detail
all of the accomplishments of Chairman Cirro. Suffice it to mention
few of his achievements briefly.
Chairman Cirro was born and bred in Hargeisa on April 29, 1955. Upon
completion of primary, intermediate and high school, he attended
SIDAM and obtained Bachelors Degree in Administration and
subsequently acquired Masters of Business Administration. He worked
in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various capacities and
subsequently was appointed as a consular officer in Somali Embassy
in Moscow, Russia, where he later became the acting ambassador. Some
of his assignments included, but were not limited to: protecting
Somali citizens’ property and/or interests in Russia; studying
Russia’s economic/political conditions and trends; its public
opinion; its forces; strengthening the political, social, economical
and military relations between the two countries. Despite his
national duty, Chairman Cirro tirelessly assisted Somali emigrants
who either escaped from the civil war or sought to acquire higher
education. After he completed his task, he relocated to Somaliland
to participate in the rebuilding of his beloved country.
Chairman Cirro has been the Speaker of the House of Representatives
of Somaliland’s
first elected parliament since 2005. Since he assumed office, he has
made countless positive changes aimed at improving and enhancing the
condition and the standing of the House of Representatives
physically as well as procedurally. When Chairman Cirro took the
office, there were not enough offices where the members of the
parliament could execute their chores. The only office existing at
the time of his arrival was the office of the Chairman. Therefore,
he initiated, restructured and completed the additional offices of
the parliamentary building and purchased all the necessary office
equipments needed. This provides for the members enough space and
equipments to conduct their respective assigned duties efficiently.
Moreover, he has provided extensive training for the employees of
the parliament to the extent some of the employees were sent to
overseas to acquire the required education, experience, and skills
needed. He has created well-rounded employees capable of handling
classified information and also smoothing the process of the
Chairman Cirro has introduced and signed more than thirty-five
legislations, though some still pending, intended for the extension
of democracy, freedom, and development. It will suffice to mention
some of these legislations:
v Law on the Prevention of the Misappropriation of Public Assets &
on Combatting Corruption
v Somaliland National Budget Laws
v Somaliland Islamic Banks Law
v Somaliland Telecommunications Law
v Companies Law Of Somaliland
v National Environment Research and Disaster-preparedness (NERAD)
Agency Law
v Somaliland Election Law
v Somaliland Voter Registration Law
v Somaliland National Human Rights Commission Law (SLNHRC)
v Private Sector Employees Law
v Somaliland Veterinary Code
v Somaliland Foreign Investment Law
v Law on the Settlement of Salaries & Emoluments of the President,
Vice-President and the Members of the Houses of Parliament
The positive impacts of the passed legislation are self-evident and
can be seen throughout Somaliland. Moreover, the members of the
parliament agree that Chairman Cirro has successfully managed and
chaired the 82 members of the parliament to the extent of preventing
any conflict and/or chaos from occurring while his counterparts of
Somalia were hitting each other and throwing chairs around. We,
Somalilanders, should be proud of Chairman Cirro’s effective
In addition, he defended our democracy when President Riyaale
attempted to postpone elections and lock the parliamentary building.
He has put his life on the line relentlessly in order to protect our
hard-won democracy. He courageously demonstrated the power vested in
The House of Representatives. The historical televised event of
Somaliland citizens surrounding Chairman Cirro while marching
through the streets of Hargeisa and chanting Geesiga aan godobta
gelin “the hero who did no harm” demonstrated the unwavering
conviction of Chairman Cirro to safeguard our democracy at all
Chairman Cirro has also strived and succeeded to create and
strengthen relations between the House of Representatives and their
counterparts across the globe. He has regularly travelled abroad to
propagate Somaliland’s cause and form strong bond between
Somaliland’s parliament and other parliaments around the world. This
strategy helps advance Somaliland’s cause and introduces our
democratic institutions to the world. Due to his unwavering effort,
Chairman Cirro has earned the public trust and that of the
international community. He is exceptionally competent, dynamic and
highly educated. This visionary leadership style of Chairman Cirro
is one of the aspects that has encouraged me join WADDANI Party.
Every political party has its respective national agenda. However,
when one reads the national agendas of other political parties, one
realizes that the authors of these national agendas are not
well-versed the social, political and economic realities of
Somaliland and the rest of the world. I strongly believe that their
intentions are good because they are trying to develop Somaliland.
But we know that good intentions without deep understanding and
systematic planning will do more harm than good. We cannot afford to
gamble our hand-won peace and democracy. We need to search and find
out the political party that has what it takes to lead the nation.
After I have searched, examined and compared/contrasted all of the
national agendas of political parties extensively, I came to the
conclusion that WADDANI Party is the only party better suited to
lead the nation into prosperous future. The following paragraphs
will shed light few aspects of WADDANI’s national agenda. Again, it
does not cover all the aspects of WADDANI POLITICAL PROGRAMME due to
limited space.
Economic Plan
WADDANI designed comprehensive economic plan pertinent to
Somaliland’s current economic state. It is crucial to appreciate
that in developing countries the government should play two
important roles in the economy: guiding and regulating the economy
in order to stimulate economic growth. First, the government should
guide the overall pace of the economy by making development plan
aimed at directing the productive sector and the financial system to
a greater capital formation and social equality. This development
plan is intended for building the physical and social infrastructure
of the whole country, which would maintain steady growth, high
levels of employment, and price stability. Second, after the
government guides the economy by laying down an overall economic
strategy, it should regulate the economic activities through
taxation, bonds, financial services instruments, government
expenditure, etc. These two general principles would assist the
government and the market create jobs (which is the most crucial
aspect) and stimulate economic growth.
Additionally, WADDANI is strongly convinced that Somaliland is
endowed with abundant untapped natural resources. The party has a
far-reaching plan to exploit the unexploited natural resources and
endeavors to make the most of our oil, gas, minerals, fisheries,
soil, water, rangelands, forests, woodlands, etc. WADDANI envisages
our government and the private sector to undertake this task jointly
and/or separately as needed in a systematic manner while ensuring
fare competition between contenders. Exploiting natural resources
creates jobs, which will reduce the current high unemployment rate.
If the aforesaid economic plan is implemented and the untapped
natural resources exploited, our country would experience
unprecedented economic growth which would tackle the stagnant
unemployment rate. Although WADDANI’s economic policy is
comprehensive, this brief description provides a broad picture.
Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP)
The importance of education is self-explanatory and does not need
further elaboration. Suffice it to say that education is the single
most important factor in determining personal growth (e.g.,
intellectually, marketability, decision-making, rational thinking)
and societal progress (e.g., economic growth, skilled labor force,
health improvement, technological advancement, national defense).
WADDANI’s comprehensive educational plan aims at providing our
future generation for basic education that will help them acquire
functional literacy and numeracy in order to: understand the world
around them; administer institutions/organizations; run small
business; become technologically savvy; master the rudiments of
agriculture and animal husbandry et cetera.
WADDANI strives to increase the number of enrollees from pre- to
post-secondary school. It focuses primarily on helping poor students
acquire quality education and realize their highest potential. To
achieve these important objectives, WADDANI developed comprehensive
educational plan intended for the improvement and enhancement of our
educational system in all levels: (a) WADDANI created fully
developed curriculum reflecting our social, religious, and political
reality. It is primary intend is to help develop skilled labor force
who will have a positive ripple effect on the economy and society at
large; (b) WADDANI concentrates on implementing rigorous educational
policy, which is currently absent. Education policy is an amalgam of
laws and rules governing the operation of education system. All the
forms and levels of education (e.g., early childhood education,
1-12thgrade, 2-4 year colleges/university, post-baccalaureate, adult
education, and job training) require these laws and rules and
WADDANI aims at attaining the aforesaid objectives through the
aforesaid rigorous educational policy.
Universal Health Plan
Healthcare is the most important asset for every nation. It
encompasses the diagnoses, cure and prevention of diseases,
sickness, injury and other physical and mental impairment in humans
and animals. WADDANI designs universal health plan system, which
provides improved access to health services, preventive measures and
positive health outcome. The plan would be mandated and funded by
the central government and would be administrated by local
governments. WADDANI’s planned health system is intended to: (1)
abolish the current financial barriers that hinder healthcare; (2)
enhance and improve the allocation of health facilities; (3) utilize
the accessible state-of-the-art healthcare technology; (4) curtail
bureaucracy and control costs; (5) foster comprehensive health
planning; (6) prevent administrative intrusion; and (7) recruit
competent healthcare professionals. In this plan, no one will be
left behind. Everyone will be covered. The plan covers the entire
healthcare services: rehabilitation, mental health services; dental
services; drugs and medical supplies; and preventive and public
health measures. Committee of medical experts and community leaders
would assess the necessary services required to provide for each
Quest for Recognition
Somaliland’s recognition is overdue due to varied reasons and should
not be delayed any longer. To win our recognition is one of the
primary objectives of WADDANI Party. The Party has constructed
methodical signposts aimed at unfolding the road to recognition.
WADDANI Party examined and explained our previous failures and
subsequently finds solutions to remedy our past failures and
simultaneously ensures our recognition. It realizes that the primary
reason Somaliland is not recognized hitherto is principally
political reasons rather than legal grounds; that is, Somaliland has
legal rights to become independent state; the union between
Somaliland and Somalia is legally nonbinding; it fulfills all the
requirements of statehood under international law; it has its own
legal border as Article 4(b) of the African Union Charter
stipulates. Therefore, since Somaliland has legal rights to be
recognized, WADDANI Party strives to embark upon political grounds
that hinder our recognition thus far.
Safety and Security
Safety and security are the basis and pillars of life, progress, and
social existence, without which development is unattainable. As
such, WADDANI Party emphasizes the crucial role that government
plays the improvement and maintenance of national safety and
security. Therefore, WADDANI Party arranges to undertake appropriate
measures to ensure the safety and security of Somaliland citizens.
The most important undertaking that WADDANI Party realizes is
strengthening institutions of justice to eliminate violence and
instability and to fortify linkages among them. Strong institutions
of justice help protect the life, liberty, and properties of
citizens and visitors. It ensures that every citizen is protected by
the law against others and, most importantly, against government
WADDANI Party believes that very citizen deserves to live a good
life with dignity, which can be achieved by ensuring an economic and
personal security for all citizens. It is also essential to curb all
sources of instability, e.g., corruption, bribes, nepotism, and
favoritism. These societal ills need to be eradicated in order for
safety and security to flourish. The officers and government
employees who are either drafting and/or implementing the aforesaid
measures deserve to earn better wages/salaries.
Government Institutions
Viable government institutions are the foundations of any state. If
government institutions are not functioning properly, the country
cannot build its basic infrastructure. The primary goal of WADDANI
Party is therefore to build strong and viable government
institutions capable of performing their assigned duties. WADDANI
Party strives to strengthen the separation of powers between the
three branches of government, e.g., Legislative, Executive and the
Judiciary. Our government is divided into these three branches each
of which has its separate and independent powers and defined
responsibilities. This separation of powers ensures that no branch
has more power than the other two branches and each should check and
balance the other two. Currently, these three branches’ separation
of powers is blurry and messy. WADDANI Party has a plan that grants
and underpins these boundaries.
Justice and Human Rights
Justice and human rights are inseparable twins with which its
violations usually erupts outright warfare, destruction and mayhem,
as history repeatedly attests. Every person desires to enjoy his/her
life freely without any disruption and/or government intrusion.
Moreover, everyone deserves fair justice and the right to due
process of the law. Therefore, WADDANI’s POLITICAL PROGRAMME
provides solutions to injustices and human rights violations. It has
created a well-developed and comprehensive system intended for the
elimination of these violations. In order to achieve this goal,
WADDANI Party plans: (a) to enforce laws intended for the protection
of human rights; (b) appoint competent judges to courts; (c) provide
intensive courses and training for judges; (d) enhance the image and
profession capacity of lawyers; (e) empower civil society
organizations, et cetera. This will put into action the justice and
human rights laws that we were craving for so long.
Foreign Relations Policy
Due to globalization, WADDANI Party realizes that our world is
becoming smaller and smaller every day through the exchange of
goods/services, information, knowledge and culture which increases
the interactions between nation states across the globe at
unprecedented rate. Therefore, WADDANI Party’s foreign relations
policy rests on the conviction of safeguarding Somaliland national
interest and achieving its goals within international relations
environment. In this environment, it is critical to build strong
relations with neighboring and distance countries. WADDANI Party’s
foreign relations policy is therefore strengthening relations with
African, Arab, European, American, and Asian countries. In addition,
WADDANI Party emphasizes the significance of becoming a member in
intergovernmental organizations such as United Nations (UN), African
Union (AU), Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD),
League of Arab States etc. These foreign relations will help
Somaliland partake in the existing international commercial matters
involving import-export between nation states, which would have a
positive ripple effect on economic growth. This, as a result, will
assist Somaliland play its role in international community.
The aforesaid examination and explanation of the visionary
leadership of Chairman Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro) and
WADDANI POLITICAL PROGRAMME attract my attention and motivate me to
join WADDANI Party. I wish that I had the time and space to explore
all the aspects of WADDANI Party’s agenda. However, as I mentioned
earlier, it is impossible to explore the painstakingly detailed
agenda of WADDANI Party. Nevertheless, I hope that this brief
description can help other Somaliland citizens make wise decisions
as to which political party to join. I urge my follow Somaliland
citizens to examine and evaluate the leadership qualities,
education, and experience of every political party’s chairman as
well as every political party’s Political Programme. Do it
carefully. We owe this to not only our beloved country but also to
the next generation.
Abdi Hussein Daud
The author is a PhD candidate in Educational Leadership at
Northcentral University. He can be reached at: