We have to
stop being stupid and the government must stop the Ostrich politics

Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada
I am not saying we are stupid people. I recall a time we were not
that thing at all. That was once upon a time! I don’t know if we
are. I however know that we are practicing this (stupidity) thing,
more so by the government in a profound way!
A great leader is the one who has a clear vision of where he is
going, facing the glory and the dan ger and goes out to confront
them. In Somaliland we never had the luck to have that leader and we
don’t have one now.
Mr. Siilanyo must pull his head out of the sand he placed his head
in! Mr. Siilanyo must stop the Os trich politics he is pursuing, or
the people must pull his head out of the sand so that he can see w
hat he has done to Somaliland. If either party or both of them fail
to do that then it will be difficult for them to argue against being
stupid! Or worse yet partners in treason!
Ostrich politics
Ostrich politics means that one keeps oneself blind for incoming
It is said that, an ostrich prefer to close its eyes and hide its
head in a bush or hole in the ground when facing danger. Since the
ostrich can no longer see the danger, it believes that the danger is
over and that it is safe from the consequences of the danger, whilst
the bulk of its body remains in the open and thus vulnerable to the
original danger!
An Ostrich Policy is therefore the inability to act before the
problem comes to your plate or if that is not possible, act after
you think right and thus appropriately avert danger or the
inevitable consequences thereof. In Somaliland they act first then
think later until they burn the house of Somaliland! (Re: Kalshaale,
Buhudle, Ceelbardaale. Seemale and lately Zeilac)
An Ostrich Policy relates to the inability of a government or people
to acknowledge that a real pr oblem or danger exists. a) What
happened to our foreign policy? b) Where is the unity of the peo ple
of Somaliland!? Where are we going? This Siilanyo government has
been accused of an Ostrich Policy concerning problems and
corruptions they created. Siilanyo’s administration is in the midst
of this Ostrich politics and policies!
The “Sparo” phenomenon in siilanyo’s administration!
I never thought for a moment, and after twenty one years of the
existence of the 2nd Republic of Somaliland that some Ministers (in
Siilanyo’s administration) will install a “Sparo”-(illegal stoppage
to collect illegal taxation) for reasons which has nothing to do
with national or public interest but has to do with their personal
benefits. People are watching and even paying that (ransom) private
and illegitimate taxation!
Has any body heard that a thief who has been stealing the public
purse for so long, once caught did not visit the jail!? Only in
Somaliland and probably in similar countries!
In this episode, the thief argued that this money grabbing means and
methods must be legalized for him from now on once he is caught!
What is more idiotic and more mindboggling was that the so-called
Somaliland parliament is entert aining this “Sparo” request for the
thief – Minister X
Both the people and the Oligarchy administration of Mr. Siilanyo
seem that they are in a state of being some what conscious but not a
ware or sensible! They seem they are stupor! It seems we are all
stupid in this and we have to stop being so before it is too late!.
Peace and prayers for Somaliland
Ibrahim Mead