Dr Osman
Sheekh Ahmed
Dr. Osman Sh.
PhD , Economics
Dr. Osman S. Ahmed is currently
Lead Country Officer for Middle East
Department of the W orld Bank focusing
on country development strategy formulation, coordinating
implement ation of Bank assistance strategy, and a focal for
relations with a group of four countries in the Middle East.
Dr. Ahmed joined the
World Bank Group in
1985 and has worked in various
capacities, incl uding th e Bank’s first Resident Representative in
Yemen, Division Manager of Corporate
Planning at the Interna tional Finance Corporation (the private
sector arm of the World B ank), Principal Policy An alyst on private
sector development strategies, and senior
econo mist in the Bank.
Prior to joining the Bank,
Dr. Ahmed worked in the private and
public sectors, including a f our-ye ar stint as
Economic Advisor to the Saudi Arabian
Ministry of Finance, and has tau ght
economics at several universities
in the State of North Carolina (University of UNC at Chapel Hill,
Elon Unive rsity, and
NC Central University).
Dr. Ahmed
has written widely on various
development issues both during his World Bank c areer a nd prior to
it, including on economic growth and income distribution, and
private s ector developm ent.
Mr.Ahmed holds a doctorate in
economics from the University of
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has done graduate work in economics at
Duke University,and is a graduate of
Harv ard
University Executi ve Development Program.
Areas of Interest
* Global Poverty & Peace
* World Bank
* Poverty
* Economics
Source: International Peace & Conflict Resolutions , American