To those who bombed Hargeysa I say this:


Stoning a young woman to death in Kismayo one day, and blowing up women and children in Hargeysa the next day does not make us fear you, what it does is finally put to rest the notion that those who believe they can kill us at will, can govern us.

It is time that we all pay attention to the wolves in sheep's clothing among us, it is time to question the authority of those who claim that they have a direct line to God because they grow long beards, it is time to put religion back where it belongs; between one and one's creator, with no mediators between them.

As traumatic an event this is for all of us, the silver lining is that this cowardly act finally exposed the true nature of the beast in the South vying to turn all of us into its own subjects, and now that we can all see it for what it really is, we can all say in no uncertain terms that God has a special place for you in HELL!

The people in Somaliand have endured many hardships before and this too shall pass, because as the saying goes "whatever does not kill you, makes you stronger"

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the bombings in Hargeysa and Bossaso.


Mahdi Gabose

East Africa Policy Institute