If you are planning on running for political office in this year, how can you prepare for this campaign marathon?....

Before running for office, a candidate should be in shape physically, mentally, emotio nally, and spiritually. Once the campaign starts, it is too late to start thinking about making any personal changes. It is important that candidates are motivated to  prep are themselves before they run.

Here is some motivation for you “ Candidates” to stick with this year resolution:

In Politics, Appearance Matters. Studies show most people judge us visually. Candidates who look “ in shape” appear to be more in control. Think of it this way: The truth is that candidates who are in good physical condition demonstrate to voters that they are in control and disciplined.

An Active Image Sells. The best political candidates assiduously cultivate an active image. They are often pictured jogging, running, or riding a bike. Voters want to el ect public servants who will have the energy to tackle problems. Get a reputation for being active and energetic. Voters believe that an active leader will use that same energy to tackle their problems.

Exercise Increases Memory. The best candidates have the uncanny ability to  remem ber speeches, statistics, faces and names. According re researchers at the  Univers ity of Dundee in Scotland, Just taking a ten minute walk dramatically increased a per son’s memory during testing. Maintaining a well-balanced diet is essential for your brain and memory. Additionally, cardiovascular exercise has been proven to prevent memory loss.

HEALTH IS IN ISSUE. For some candidates, losing weight means more than just looking good. Additionally, at the higher echelons of political office, health is a legitimate campaign issue.

Stress Relief: Campaigns are stressful, yet a candidate needs to appear confident a nd relaxed. So how do you get rid of that stress? There are many benefits to  exerci se, explains Colin Shah, a personal trainer and owner of Somafit in Washington DC ( he has trained several politicians and a Cabinet member). According to Shah, exer cise “ greatly reduces levels of stress, increases endurance for those late nights on the campaign travel, and keeps them fit for in front of the media.

Execution of Campaign Tactics: Candidates who are in shape can sometimes simply out-work their older or less energetic opponents. Whether it is at the local level and you are going city-to-city at a faster rate than your opponent, or whether it is your ability to travel to more places in a shorter amount of time.

Multi-Task: The best candidates hate to waste time. Find ways to kill two birds with one stone. Do whatever it takes to make getting in shape fun.

Persistence: Remember, nothing happens over night. Just like in politics, persistence pays off.

Prepare To Win; I got this tip from one of the President Candidate in the United  Sta tes: Bring your own food every where you go. This way, you will always have  some thing to eat—no matter what is served. If someone is holding a fundraising event for you, request a healthy meal in advance. Do not eat just because it is expected of you.

Diversify: Work in exercises you enjoy. And you will stick with it. Start slow, trying to do too much too fast only leads to burn-out our injury.

All Candidates, if you follow this advice, I believe you will enter your political  campai gn in fighting shape. You will be shaper, more focused, and more energetic. Good luck to you as you prepare to run the race of your campaign.