Is it over for Somaliland after the “Calf worshipers” vote in the Guurt?


“And follow not the bidding of those who transgress the bounds of reason and rationale, those who make mischief in the land and mend not [Al shuaraa ch19-
Do not follow the “Awil and Riyaale Calf” worshippers! Flow not the evildoers!

A friend of mine said to me, “ are you still writing?” I said, “yes, why?” He said,
“ jafa Al qalamo can Somaliland!”
I looked at him with my eyes fixed on his and at last uttered, silently!” “ may be you are right, God forbid!

Is it over for the 2nd Republic as we hoped her to be, or supposed to be?
That she was supposed to be a just, democratic, conscionable and moral entity run by moral people, but did not happen!
That she was supposed to be an entity for common cause, common ground, consensus and common thought, but did not happen!
That she was supposed to be a respected, recognized and functioning democracy, but did not happen!
However my answer to the above question is, yes, unfortunately, however the final answer rests on the people collectively. Those who worship God and not those who worship the “calf of qaat and qado” made by Awil and Riyaale, the twin demons of all time! It is to be seen!

Quote 1) Awil declared upon nomination as a minister in Riyaale’s government in Al jamhuuria newspaper, this: “ I have joined this government solely for one important reason, and that is-revenge!” what ever that means!

Quote 2) Riyaale unashamedly, unconscionably, immorally and daringly said more than three times, in different occasions, in different circumstances this:
“ If I leave (not even when I leave) or made to do that, than there will not be any more Somaliland after me!” That is reminiscent to what Siyad Barre used to say when threatening the nation!

Therefore, it is clear that the twine demons of evil are following their plans to destroy Somaliland! Butt they did not hide their evil intentions from us! They already did much of the destruction! They disgraced Somaliland! Now it seems they want to finish the job

If we do not confront this treasonous plans by the “due”
If we do not defeat this evil force, Somaliland in finish!
People may not follow (only) what I am saying here, but Somali Landers must follow what Allah said:
“ And follow not the bidding of those who transgress the bounds of reason and rationale, those who make mischief in the land and mend not [Al shuaraa ch19-v101
I am not expecting the “ Awil-Riyaale Calf” worshippers to follow what Allah said to do!

However, peace



Ibrahim Mead  Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada