Today, tens of thousands of Somalilanders from all over the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe are assembling in front of number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the British Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Mr. David Cameron. The harsh British winter does not deter the resolve of these men, women and children. The unwavering determination of Somalilanders demonstrating around the world is a constant reminder to the international community that any and all efforts to re-knit the fabric of a unitary Somali state are doomed to fail. The masses gathering in front of Number 10 downing street are united in one and only one thing: Send the following clear message to the organisers and the participants of the Somalia Convention in London:

That the reclamation of Somaliland Sovereignty on May 18, 1991 is non-negotiable;
that the reclamation is based on the boundaries of Somaliland on the day of independence on June 26, 1960
that these boundaries are defined by valid and legitimate international agreements predating independence;
that the current boundaries are in conformity with the Constitutive act of the African Union and the Charter of its predecessor, the Organisation of African Union;
that Somaliland's demand for recognition is consistent with all international laws;
that the international community should respect the inherent right of the people of Somaliland to self determination in accordance with international conventions;
that the people and government of Somaliland welcome and support the British initiative to tackle the intractable conflict in Somalia;
that any efforts to drag Somaliland to the lawlessness and the chaos of southern Somalia will destabilise and perpetuate the tragedy and human suffering in the Somali Peninsula;
that Somaliland can not and should not be held a hostage to the ghost of a comatose state;
And finally, we draw attention of the international community and the organisers of the London Conference that all previous attempts in resuscitating the rump state of Somalia has failed. Therefore, a bold radical departure from the current fruitless top-down approach is in order: The fact that the Somali conflict has two parties can not be overlooked any longer; hence, the inevitable reality of two-state solution should addressed.

For the President of Somaliland, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, this is an opportunity of a life time and a legacy that will go down the history books.

Mr. President, the two Houses of Somaliland Parliament amended the Law that prohibited Somaliland government officials as well as private individuals, to participate Somalia peace and reconciliation conferences. The political Parties/Associations, the civil society and the masses concurred with the repeal of the law. No Somaliland president was accorded such a precedent.

Mr. President, this has been done in exchange for a simple statement to be delivered in front of the dignitaries representing over forty countries and International Organisations (the United Nations Organisation, the African Union, the European Union, the Arab League, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, etc).

On Friday January 20, 1961, President John F.Kennedy, in his inaugural speech, Said: "..And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."

Mr. President, conversely, and over fifty-one years later, your country gave you what you asked for; the question is Mr. President: What can you do for your country in return? Your fellow countrymen will neither encumber you what you can not deliver, nor will they ever place you in a diplomatically compromising situation. However, a simple declaration in front of this international gathering will suffice.


Mr. President. Unlike, the president of Somalia, you are the duly elected president of a nation, and as such has the legal mandate to convey the aspirations of Somaliland to the London Conference.

Mr. President, tomorrow is the day of reckoning; Somalilanders are the globe and back home will be glued in front of their television sets, following every word of your speech.





Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Sabeyse
February 22, 2012