Change For A True & Loyal servant of Somaliland
Somalilanders will elect a true &
loyal servant of their nation, a humble servant who has co me to her
aid at times of war and peace and that leader is Ahmed M Mohamud
Silanyo. The people of Somaliland have much to offer to Africa and rest of the world. The pride, the resilience and drive of the Somaliland people are second to none. We are innovative, hardw orking and willing to embark on any new frontier where prosperity may loom, just as our no madic ancestors were on the move in seeking greener pastures. We live by the perdurability of Somaliland’s nomadic idiom of peace and milk (Nabad iyo Caano).Our traditional values and our immensely rich culture are beneficial for a nation to thrive and prosper. Our participator y traditions of public discourse commenced under a tree for everyone to debate, reason and compromise is etched in our social-fabric. We are peace loving and god fearing people, we have La Ilaaha ILA-Allaah Muhammad Rasuulah-Allaah inscribed in the heart our flag. Our constitution is based on Islamic laws and fundamental tenants of democracy. The forti tude and forgiveness our people were demonstrated in the manner that we were able to reconcile and pick-up the pieces after unmentionable atrocities committed against us witho ut any assistance from outsiders. Dissolving our union with southern Somali and the regaining our sovereignty that put our destiny in our own hands was a paramount decision we made, especially with the hindsight of nearly two decades after the fact the status of our country and Somali could not be any different. A decision of no lesser in importance awaits Somalilanders come Election Day June 26th. Nothing has ever come easy or was given to people of Somaliland. We are aware of how the good intentions of unity with the southern Somalia ended, worse the horrific and heart bre aking internal civil-war in Somaliland. Somaliland’s current laws are guided by the learnt le ssons from these hardships in its tumultuous history. Somaliland has strived to be equitable and its laws and structure of government attest to that. Somaliland included tribal elders in heart of its government upper-house (Guurti), so the once warring tribes could now contrib ute in ensuring the peace and security, and also help shape its destiny. Somaliland has opt ed for a democratic system as it addresses some of the pressing economical and social nee ds of its people. A government with multiply parties and separate branches of government is what Somaliland has adapted. Ahmed M Muhumud is the presidential candidate that can restore our system of governm ent after president Riyale’s mediocre rule that encroached on all the things we hold dear. Ahmed M Muhumud is the epitome of a leader, he has carried himself with integrity and has been sincere and forthright with the Somaliland public (Dacaadnimo).He has leadership qua lities (karti Hogaamined leh). He has gallantly led a liberation movement that overcame a mighty superpower in east Africa to free his people. That same liberation movement that made history again for surrendering the reigns of power to its true owners: the people of Somaliland. Ahmed M Muhumud is a Statesman with moral responsibility to his country (Daa naya Dalkis). He has conducted him-self with valor and dignity and for the love, unity and cohesion of his country he accepted defeat, when he was cheated out of the presidency. Since the last election, Ahmed M Muhumud has been under oppression of Riyale’s Governm ent. He had been constantly harassed, demonized and vilified. He has been labeled as harbo ring intent to start tribal feuds. He has been labeled as traitor. He has been labeled as terr orist. He has been under verbal assault of the state-owned radio and TV stations day in and day out. His party offices constantly raided by police. His party members bloodied and bruised and jailed. With all that abuse and indignation he suffered, he stressed to his fellow citizens and party members to maintain and be the bearers of peace, even when he was met with hail of bullets for holding a peaceful rally to commemorate the 28th anniversary of SNM. Ahmed M Muhumud emphasized compromise rather than confrontation and persuasion th rough debate not by force (nabad-kuwada noolanta, talo-wadaagga). He has made the hall marks of Kulmiye party about the ethos of democracy, such as the human rights, the rule of law, and accountability of government to its people (sinaan, cadaalad). Ahmed M Muhumud is an advocate of strong institutions commanded by competent people, thriving civil society of divergent ideas to hash out common problems. Ahmed M Muhumud has stressed the impo rtance of pluralistic, participatory democracy, where young and old can ventilate their wish es and concerns. He has always put the well-beings of others and service to fellow men be fore himself. He stood with oppressed neglected and marginalized citizens of Somaliland. For that More Somalilander’s of every profession and trade identify themselves as members Ku lmiye than any other party in country. Kulmiye supporters are united by common causes gr eater than any single man or tribe. Kulmiye party stands to build and make Somaliland a na tion of laws, with checks & balances, free speech, free press, and independent judiciary. The dissension of public has been growing since their government chose to preclude them from decision making process. Kulmiye party has holistic and all encompassing economic plan for the major sectors of our economy livestock, farming and fishing (dhaqasha xoola, qodista beeraha, kaluumeyska). Kulmiye has the most feasible poverty alleviation economic growth plan in Somaliland. On the other hand After Somalilander’s painstakingly created a system of government that best fitted with their people, it took only one man Dahir Riyale to weaken and run havoc of it. President Riyale is man who does not have a moral or a political principle. He has not been prepared for a free and fair Presidential election because he is not willing to gamble away his political fortunes at hands of an electorate that he has been subverting since he came to power. He and his ruling party UDUB could not even bother to produce the political agen da of their party. On the onset of the campaigning in June 6th, his second in command vice president Ahmed Yusuf Yasin could not cover up the disappoint of the thousands that turn ed up in freedom square in Hargeisa to hear UDUB party plans for country, at which point the vice president conjured up an excuse that they would bring their political manifesto the next day for everyone (Beri ayaa keenaynaa oo cidwalba la siinayaa). Sadly that only added to broken promises of UDUB. President Riyale has nothing to appeal to the Somalilanders voters on. His party has lost most of its constituents and party members. With no concrete plans, all that the president is doing is mudding the water by resorting to fear-mongering and divisive politics (colaad-abuur) of labeling UCID and Kulmiye as terrorist. These apprehensive actions (gardaro, xaqd aro) of the president are not surprising since the people around him, are self -serving indi viduals (danayst, dabadhilif,), who will do what ever it takes to protect the hand that feeds them. Riyale’s campaign strategy of scaring the citizens into voting for him rather than running on his merits, the accomplishments of his administration and its services rendered to the country, says it all. Eight years of squander fortunes and wasted opportunities for president Riyale to lead (dib-udhac). Riyale’s economic accomplishments can be summed up by self-preservation and corruption (kursi-ilashi, lacag-urursi).Riyale's inexperience and incompetency (Aqoon-xumo, karti-xumo) has hindered Somaliland’s development and derailed its democratic aspirations (geedi socodkii dimuqoraadiyadda). Further his deficiencies have been exacerbated by the pervasi veness of explicit corruption in his administration. The scale and scope of Riyale’s economical malfeasance has permeated through every sector of Somaliland society. There is nothing more sinister or unconscionable to Somalilander’s than the monopolizing of our livestock to Al Jabari sanctioned by our own president. This is a direct violation of Somaliland constitu tion to say the least, as it avows for the protection of property and free market for all soma lilanders. Our bread and butter: livestock, the single entity we measure our economic wellb eing was surrendered to foreigner and our traders were hang to dry. Riyale somehow assu med being the president had entitled him to the already miniscule fortunes of his country. As there is nothing else that can explain the way he has grossly plundered and milked Soma liland’s hard to come by resources and utilized it as his personal largesse(horeysinta Dant isa Gaar aah danbeysinta Danta Guud). Somaliland’s meager assets have been sold without any consultations with the other branches of government, and that is a violation of Soma liland’s constitution which declares “The care and safeguarding of property, endowments and public assets is the responsibility of the state and all citizens; and shall be determined by law”. How ever the proceeds from selling of government owned buildings, houses and properties all went to line the president’s pockets. Which is given credence by the destitute of Somaliland’s infrastructure of un-built or unrepaired roads, and the inadequacies of its hospitals all with acquiesced of Riyale’s administration. I end on Riyale’s economic mismanagement because if Riyale could do what he has done to his poor nation, then we can only imagine what he would have done if we were a recognized nation and more prosperious (Nin adiga oo saboolah ku boobay). Somaliland has already won
because its people have rejected the President’s fear-monge ring and
his empty publicity-stunts of trying to divide their nation. It is
them that came out by the thousands in Hargeisa when, Riyale’s
administration said it would not allow Ahmed M Muhumud back in
country from the US at beginning of the year. Riyale is in shock and
awe of the reverberation of the thousands Kulmiye supporters with
their signs, flags and banners in every Corner of Somaliland and god
willing it will be them that will elect their nations true & loyal
servant of as their next president. Somalilander’s are fed-up and
fired-up. Until the day we have more investors in Somaliland than aid workers.