Birmingham: Somali Art and Cultural Festival
Monday Bank Holiday, 28th December 2009 -
2p.m – 11pm, | Fee £10


Bia Lounge, 45 -47 Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 OJU Refugee Advice  Gr oup [Birmingham] in partnership with Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, and other Somali  comm unity organizations will facilitate the first Birmingham Somali Art and Culture Festival on 28th December 2009 from 2pm to Midnight at Bia Lounge, 45 -47 Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 OJU.

The festival will focus on Somali heritage and culture, storytelling, poetry, Somali  contempor ary literature and music. The idea behind the festival is to provide an opportunity for Somali people living in the Birmingham area to come together to celebrate their culture. We plan to invite popular Somali artists from a variety of arts disciplines and diverse backgrounds to  gi ve performances in Birmingham. Each artist has something distinct to bring - our vision is to raise the profile of the Somali community and establish the festival as an annual event in  Bir mingham. We want to cultivate cross-cultural artistic collaborations. The festival aims to  deli ver work that challenges perceptions and speaks to the Somali community as well as the  ge neral public.

We are proudly presenting a mix of renowned commentators and entertainers: Mahamoud Abdi Ali Dualle, Abdilahi Hirsi “Beeldaaje”, Amine Muse Weheliye (BBC Somali Service), Abdi Shire Jooqle, Nimco Yaasiin Caraale, Raas Ismail, Mohamed Mukhtar Oday, Ali Seenyo, Mowlid Abdi, Abdirahman Abees and many more.

Join us at this first Birmingham Somali Art and Cultural Festival, get a taste of a great  cultur al tradition and explore the uniqueness of Somali heritage and culture.


For more information about the program call 07984632044 or email