Tug-wajaleh Hospital


ASC wrwb. Congratulatins walaalayaal. This is a great accomplishment and we salute all those who participated in making the dream a reality. Once completed, however, the jo b will not be done. There will be a continuous need for operations and maintenance sup port. Those costs will be enormous over time-- and probably beyond our means. In that regard, naming the hospital after the Ruler of Dubai makes a lot of sense and is a strat egic step. Sustained support by the Al-Makhtoum Humanitarian and Charity organizatio n is more likely if the hospital bears the name of the Ruler and there is likely to be a se nse of ownership in ensuring that it continues.

As you know, many great projects in developing countries eventually get undermined by  lack of adequate resources for proper staffing, operations and maintenance. The st ep you mentioned (i.e. the name) is an excellent first step. Go for it.Again, a wonderful job by all those who brought the project to this stage and I hope that those of us who did not fully participate will do more in the future.


Warmest regards,
Dr Osman Sheikh Ahmed









Taariikh: 6 May,2014

Qoraal #:TWF7-06052014

Ujeeddo:Mahad celin,Xaakimka Imaarada Dubai,Sheikh Mohamd Bin Raashid Al Maktoum 

Dhamaan Maamulka iyo xubnaha Hay'ada samo falka ee Tog-wajaale Foundation (TWF), waxay u mahad celinayaan Xaakimka Imaarada Dubai,ahna madaxweyne ku-xigeenka D alka  Imaaraatka Carabta,Sheikh Mohamd Bin Raashid Al Maktoum,oo Hay'adiisa samo fa lka ee Sheikh Mohamd Bin Raashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian & Charity Establishment,ay bixisay dhaqaalaha ku baxaya hir galinta Cusbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Tog-wajaale,o o gabo gabo ku dhaw.

Hay'adda samo-falka ee Tog-wajaale Foundation (TWF)
, oo iyadu talada & fikirka Cusbit aalkaba lahayd,ayaa dalka gudihiisa iyo dibadiisaba dadaal joogta ah ka sameysay, cods iyana u qortay Hay'adaha samo falka ee ka hawl gala Dalalka Carabta,Yurub iyo Qaarad a Maraykanka.

Waxaan soo jeedinaynaa in Cusbitaalka weyn ee magaalada Tog-wajaale,loogu magac d aro Sheikh Mohamd Bin Raashid Al Maktoum ama Madaxweynihii hore Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta,marxuum Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,oo ahaa shaqsi aad u naxariis bad an,mashaariic samo fal ah , oo badanna umada muslimiinta u qabtay.



Hay'adda Samo-Falka ee Tog-Wajaale Foundation (TWF)