Somaliland Ministry of Air and Civil Aviation: What’s
really been achieved?,By: Saleban Abdi Ahmed

Hashi Abdi
Somaliland Ministry of Air and Civil Aviation
Somaliland ministry of air and civil Aviation Mohamoud
Hashi Abdi is responsible for the management of the
government’s entire aviation policies. His department is
directly accountable for controlling ai r transportation,
airports development, maintenance, condition of aviation
infrastructure services a nd other needs. The minister
has accomplished numerous tasks since the government
came to powe r august last year. We need to read with
objective mind in order to credit the imme nse work implem ented by the minister.It’s been 10 months, since
President Ahme d M. Silanyo shaped the current Som aliland
Mohamoud Hashi Abdi was nominated as
minister of air and civil aviation. If we stop
highlighting som e of the minister’s achievements from
august last year, he has accomplished scores of
important tas ks which include the re-opening of Burao
airport the second largest city in Somaliland. He also
re-op en Borame’s airport which was closed
over eight
years, he establish and bring back to government control
Erigaabo’s airport. Besides, all those achievements have
been done less than one year since the government came
to power. In retrospect, history point out the previous
administration manag ed merely two airports well over
five years. So the policy of opening all the major
airports in Somalila nd is clear commitment from the
government in the long run. It’s beneficial in term of
economically a nd politically because this will have
positive impact on tourist industry also this will
signal more trave lling from Somaliland Diaspora which
will boost regional economy.Barbara is an important part
of our lives. The city plays the same role in the
economy that blood circulation plays in the human body.
So that underline the functionality of
economy is entirely dependent on the well being of
Barbara. The city hosts two important infrastructures
[seaport and airport]. For these reasons, the minister
priorities Barbara airport, and built
new terminal, road
that link the airport to the main-road and introduce
more needed facilities like CCTV which is essential to
the security of Somaliland
airport s. For these
underlying principles, the department of aviation has
advances Somaliland airports and achieved the highest
safety standard rates and protocol less than one year
since the government came to power. As we all recognise
instinctively, the previous UDUB administration use to
collect pas senger fees from airports in Somaliland which
was not accountable in the national budget. For spirit
of transparency and accountability, the minister of
Aviation and his government designed a policy to be more
open to the public; he blueprint fees collected from the
airports goes straight to the minist er of finance.
Before implementing any new fee increase, the minister
proposed and outlined his rea soning for increasing fee
which he explained comprehensively to the parliament and
presented the overall expenses and the cost of
maintaining airports in Somaliland, after discussion and
debates the parliament approved fee increase.
This type
of dialogues, discussion, consciences between the
executive branch and the parliament
wa s rare in
premiership. Plans for a multi-million-dollar inve stment
to rebuild Somaliland airports are on process thanks to
the government of Kuwait for their gracious. But in the
meantime, the mini ster has created a suitable conductive
atmosphere and has improved immensely Somaliland
airports, considering all these achievement, under
difficult circumsta nces which the government inherited;
we can securely say this will enable Somaliland airports
to meet regional standards.We should praise and
government policy toward the air and civil aviat ion and
not oppose their triumph. Individual from the opposition
party with peripheral view should stop criticising the
minister of aviati on and fulfilled the role of
constructive opposition. Finally my fellow citizens,
we are really patriotic, it’s
necessary to acknowledge
the work carried out by this government
and we should also boycott
individuals that indulged
in such outright
provocation and tribalism
will lead us in disasters.
Saleban Abdi Ahmed
London UK |