Let us all support if we want this government to reach the finishing line


Ibrahim M. Mead Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada

I am conscionably and morally bound to support the new government, not only it is my government as a kulmiye person but as a Somalilander, so you are, and so we all are. We have to do that  despit e its early stumble or misstep when they stood on the wrong side of the Godly call to man, that is: “Hal jazaaulixsaan ilal ixsaan.”{Alrahman}

To support this new government is a national call and every Somaliland believer has to answer that call

The best cabinet and the most capable president in the world can not do much if the people with all their different sectors don’t give them the hand they need. If we don’t cooperate, if we don’t  cont ribute, if we don’t see things in prospective, and if we don’t look the big picture, we will not go any where. We have to do “GOOS” {collective endeavor} for the government, if we want this  governme nt to reach the finishing line.

If we don’t look the big picture we will end up bickering and thus loose the vision of moving  Somalila nd ahead. We will all end up wobbly ‘Good forbid’

Which administration is viable? The one that lay it’s foundation on merit, justice and honesty, or the one which lay it’s foundation on injustice and bad judgments? Of course the former is the answer and I think this new government is in that category and they must be, otherwise they will not exist as a viable and serious entity.

This government took over the office from a cesspool of corruption and fraud we called them  gover nment. The treasury is reportedly empty in addition to the rest of all other problems which we can not count them here!

Lastly but not least we have to stick together and the glue of that is justice and that justice must be delivered equally and correctly
United we succeed but divided we perish. (God for bid) Let us give the government a chance to execute its agenda. Let us give them a chance to go some where.

I believe that it is not time to criticize the new government meaninglessly; it is time the people to provide“GOOS” for the government. Let us do it

In line with the ‘xadeeth al nabawi’ “unsur akhaaka thaalimen ow mathloomen” we shall point out w here they do wrong, but that is in the future. As for now let us do the “GOOS” for the new  governm ent. It is not only good for them; it is the best of our national interest.

Peace and prayer




Ibrahim M. Mead  Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada
6 August 2010