Kulmiye is a crime scene


Ibrahim M Mead , Ex-kulmiye veteran
Ottawa, Canada

Kulmiy is a crime scene now and for ever! No question about that! Only the blind, the immoral and the unconscionable would argue otherwise

It did not happen hundred years ago it happened immediately after the party won the presid ency! It happened to the TRUST people gave to the party and to Siilanyo!
It also happened yesterday again with Muj. Abdirahman Abdulkader Farah, a passionate and fervent kulmiye man who almost died for Siilanyo when his friend and my friend Ali Marshal did not make it. [I believe that late Ali Marshal would say, ‘I am glad I was not there, I am glad I am dead’] This took place with the blessing and the tacit approval of Siilanyo as widely believ ed in Hargeisa!

His top dogs executed that infamous and shameful act! They hurt Muj. Abdirahman again, phy sically as well as psychologically! It is refreshing pain committed in the name of that party! Mr. Siilanyo was there in the so called party convention bragging for what many believe it wa s ‘Much-I-do-about nothing!’ he must have been out of it, if not he should have been ashame d of him self!

Kulmiye is a crime scene, and that is where the perpetrator of that crime has revisited the ot her day in Hargeisa, pretended as thought nothing has happened yesterday and about a year and half ago!
I have never heard that a perpetrator revisits where he committed a crime and in a public fas hion! Mr. Siilanyo, the ex-chairman did that! But what was the crime the ex-chairman committ ed and to whom? The victim of that cruel ungodly crime was the TRUST of the masses of Kulm iyatis. Muj. Abdirahman’s incident was an-add-on problem! When Mr. Siilanyo won the vote gi ven to him, by those who trusted him, he walked away from them and from the party and fro m the bases of the party. In that way he committed a heinous crime against the TRUST he ask ed for and thus given to him and to those who trusted him!
Trust, is the most important ingredient upon which the legitimacy, and sustainability of a part y and political systems and the leadership of those systems are built upon. It has been learne d later that this was not Siilanyo’s culture and conviction! Wow! My Allah forgives us all!

The value of trust

Can any one put a value on trust? People both need and want to trust those who lead them. While dishonesty and lost trust have been the failing points for many leaders throughout the course of history, it seems that many leaders do not pay attention to lessons learned The mo st damming of all is that trust is at times forfeited for the purpose of personal gain, political aspiration and inside agendas developed in darkness both inside and outside of a given leade r’s inner circle..(Mr. Siilanyo is a case of study here)

The violation of an expressed or perceived trust by a person or persons to another person or organization they trusted is Betrayal, pure and simple!
Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals. Someone who betrays others is commonly called a traitor or betrayer. (Ref: Wikipedia)
“Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants and who strictly guard their payers: - these will be the heirs” the righteous will inherit heaven (Ref Al muminoon ch.18-v, 7&8)
Trust may be express or implied. Express trusts are those where property is entrusted or duties are assigned by some one to some other one whom he trusts to carry out on his behalf.
Implied trusts arise out of power or position or opportunity.
Covenants create obligations. To sum up all, express and implied trusts and covenants taken together cover the whole field of obligation owed for the people and the country of Somaliland

Variants of trust

One question occupying the minds of ordinary citizens in the streets of Hargeisa and else where in Somaliland today is this:
Who should I trust any more, be it a person or a government, which has great temptations to betray me and mislead me or uses me as Mr. Siilanyo did!?
We have seen this in Kulmiye! This is so mainly because the motivations and actions of political leaders cannot be transparent to the public with certainty! You can not read what is inside them, but Allah does and they may or may not know that or if the know, do they care, and when that is the case who can protect them from the wrath of Allah!? (walciyaadu billahi)

Trust in general has two main variants:

Trust assessed in political terms is the so-called political trust.
Political trust happens when citizens appraise the government and its institutions, its policy- making’ and/or the individual political leaders as promise-keeping, efficient, fair and honest
The second category of political trust, or the so-called micro-level or individual political- Trust happens when trust is directed towards individual political leaders. The individual political tru st involves a person-oriented perspective whereby citizens become trustful or distrustful of government “because of their approval or disapproval of certain political leaders” (cited: Buil ding trust in Government in the 21st century 
By Perik Blind UNDESA Nov. 2006)

Allah is not shy to tell the truth” (from the Quran)
Allah guides not the snares of the false ones” (from the Quran)
Peace and prayers for the Motherland and the sons and daughters of the Mother.




Ibrahim Mead