I haven’t finished to “Somalia-ize” Somaliland yet, so I need five
more years!
I brahim Mead Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada
I haven’t finished to
“Somalia-ize” Somaliland yet, so I need five more years!
“I am Dahir Riyaale, and I have approved this message, the below
statements. All of them!”
“I have all the money, what does the opposition have? They have
nothing. Follow the money and vote for me” Riyaale bragged! “That is
an incriminated statement Mr. Daher. You are talking like Ali
Samatar! This statement is a testimonial of thievery of the public
treasury” shouted one of his supporters! Riyaale did not understand.
He did not like what he heard and thus ordered to remove that person
from the crowd!
Probably the guy ended up in jail!
“Please elect me again to finish my agenda of Somalia-zing
Somaliland” repeated, Dahir
That is what Riyaale is asking Somalilanders in a deceptive subtle
way! That is what his campaign is all about!
In simple translation, that is Riyaale-Awil’s agenda for Somaliland!
That is what they showed Somaliland in Technicolor for the good
seven years they were in power. They put Somaliland in deep freeze
when Somalia went crazy! They were waiting for the right time to
activate their wicked agenda again. Strangely, they want the
Somaliland people to give them some more time to do just that! To
kill Somaliland! Not to mention the looting!
Riyaale in self justification said,” I was doing two jobs at the
same time:
a) I was enriching my self and family and even some friends from
your revenues and taxes and even from generous sub-contract from
Somaliland haters to undermine the Somaliland integrity and agenda
which I successfully did with your help, but not yet finished the
b) “I was half baked man, not sure whether the people could take
that much! I wasn’t sure whether the people are that imbecile and
forgetful, so I was moving one step forward and two steps back
regarding my hidden agenda!
“Please elect me five more years. Let me finish my job. Brother Awil
and others are beside me!” “I am Riyaale and I approve this
message.” He said that again!
That is what the wicked man is saying! That is Riyaale-UDUB’s
agenda! What else can the man say?
“I haven’t finished the job! I haven’t finished off Somaliland yet,
so I need to be re-elected again, please, please! Give me that
chance again and I assure you will be part of the crazy Somalia!”
That is what he is repeating over and over again! That is what
Riyaale in essence, is saying in his campaign, whether blunt or
“My Boss and mentor president Siyad Barre God bless him, will be
happier in his grave and will be proud of me as he was during my
tenure. How much I destroyed Somaliland! Any way please do one more
favour for me and re-elect me again” that is Riyaale’s agenda and
that is the true hidden manifesto of his UDUB party!
Riyaale is not a Somaliland believer! He has no emotional bond with
Somaliland. He is a belly and pocket believer! The guy is not only
ungrateful but he has no shame in him!
Even though he was made president he chose not to be a believer with
out him saying that! His actions, inactions and reactions showed
that and more!
Riyaale has no moral authority to run Somaliland any more! He never
had one ever!
Riyaale has no legal authority to call him self-president of
Somaliland any more! His term of office has expired over a year ago!
Now he is in the midst of criminal activity creating clan wars! Re:
what happened between brothers in Borama and Gabiley Regions! (The
“Ceel Bardaale”-government created issue)
Riyaale and his Moneyman Awil must be treated as war instigators.
They had allegedly committed past crimes! They must be dealt as
such. They are desperate and they may attempt to do stupid,
desperate things! They may even try to sub-contract political
assassinations! Both of them had precedence in this venture!
In a simple translation, what Riyaale is saying is this:
“I need even more (time) extensions to complete the job! That is to
finish off Somaliland!” surprise? But that is what he is precisely
doing, and that was what he did during his term in office!
The “calf worshipers”-the Guurti, the cabals, the clan traders, the
hoodlums and the goons bowed and said, “sure” while they did not
appreciate the consequences of their actions!
Good news is that the people just woke up, shaking their heads,
rubbing their eyes, wondering and saying “what has happened? How
this happened? Why that long? Oh, my God, and the rest of it!”
Daher damaged the national psyche!
He demeaned the national prestige and integrity!
He shamed Somaliland and the people of Somaliland!
He disgraced and in fact destroyed the national institutions, one
after the other!
He created, otherwise enhanced a culture of corruption unseen in
He redirected the moral campus of Somaliland to the wrong direction!
He confused them and lied to the honest people who “wrongly” trusted
The first requirement for a (Muslim) believer to perform his or her
prayers is ‘intent’ (Niya) first and foremost to pray for Allah and
Allah alone. The rest is a process…
In Somaliland a none believer leads the believers in their prayers,
and that is Riyaale! That kind of prayer will not go any where!
Riyaale’s government did not go any where!
Riyaale and crew crippled each and every national institution with
no exception – his presidency included!
They turned the national institutions in to a moral less agencies
that serve Riyaale and crowd!
The said institutions no more serve the people! They even cause them
harm in more ways than we think, like the police which they use to
beat, subjugate or shoot the citizens and the national leaders of
The national institutions are either left out for dead, like the
House of Representatives or they work for the corrupted crowd
running Somaliland wrong, like the judiciary and the Guurti!
Somaliland needs change, a drastic change. Somaliland needs
believers and the conscionable people to take over the mantle
Somaliland needs to be revived, to be mended, and to be repaired. To
be united in consciousness and spirit. And lastly but not least to
rebuild Somaliland-people and country and move head!
However peace and prayer