I thought we are better than this

Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada
This is Mr. Hadraawi proudly
saying this: “Waligay Meel laga codaynayo intaan warqad qaatey kuma
aan redin oo walle ayey iga tahay! 10 Urur ha la furo Oo nin walawb
jaantaa Rogan Maaha Dimuqraadiyad” (Haatuf January 14, 2013)
I don’t understand what the man was talking about in respect to
democracy he already demeaned it and did not appreciated it, nor
recognize it as what it is, but that was not the point. The point he
was supposed to address was why the oligarchy administration of Mr.
Siilanyo is undoing what the successive governments of Somaliland
did for the last twenty years of this 2nd Republic!? I was shocked
how Mr. Hadraawi stampeded or ignored the question! The man seemed
justifying the destructive actions of Siilanyo’s administration
which undermined the foundations of our Republic which are:
1- The unity of her people which Mr. Siilanyo divided and further
divided them.
2- The sanctity of Somaliland cause which has been weakened and
a) He did not address how Siilanyo’s oligarchy administration
damaged the process of democracy by organized a fraudulent election.
b) He did not address how cruel and uncaring Siilanyo’s oligarchies
were in action and behavior when the police shot and killed innocent
civilians in Hareisa, Borama and Zeila as a result of the revolts
emanated from the fraudulent elections. Those real issues were off
the radar of Mr. Hadraawi.! (Unfortunately that was Mr. Hadraawi)
Mr. Suleiman Gaal, the chairman of the Guurti called the victims of
the rigged, fraudulent Municipal elections like Muj. Hassan Isse and
others losers! “They will cool down as days go by,” he said! That
was his pathetic and outrageous comment to the victims whose votes
were manipulated and stolen. Like Hadraawi he did not attack the
perpetrators which is the government, on the contrary he attacked
the victims!
The question is; who is the loser here!? It is the country and the
people of Somaliland who are the real losers. Who failed them!? Of
course the two houses in which Mr. Suliman leads one of them and the
presidency, failed them!
The victims of the rigged votes and the targeted political parts are
not losers; they are victims of vote rigging by the oligarchy
government of Mr. Siilanyo and like Mr. Hadraawi Mr.Suliman Gaal’s
radar failed to see that as well! (That was chairman Sulieman)
A member of the parliament stood up against the shooting of the
civilians in the above cities and this is what he said in a forceful
way! “The government must not shoot the civilians in the head, they
must shoot them at their legs!” why shooting civilians in the first
place Mr. Member of Parliament? And that was the thinking brain of a
representative of the people!(That was a member of the House of
I thought we are better then this. It seems I am wrong!
Ibrahim Mead