To: the sponsors of London conference for Somalia
Cc: Somaliland government
Cc: the two houses of congress
Cc: traditional leaders
Cc: civic Society
Cc: to whom it may concern
From: Community Advancement through
Conflict Resolution International
C/o Ibrahim Mead
Executive Director
Contributory advice to the sponsors of the London conference
The British Minister of State for Africa Lord Howell reportedly
said, “We invited Somaliland to the London conference because we
need her expertise in Conflict Resolution and how th ey did to
achieve what they have achieved, in the London conference. Attending
the confer ence he continued, will not have an adverse effect in
Somaliland’s peace and stability!” well, that is fine even though
the sentence is not complete! He did not mention the self
determin ation of the people of Somaliland and he did not mention the
independence of Somaliland in which Somaliland has declared by way
of popular Referendum. He did not mention the stat us Somaliland will
participate in the said conference in London!
Somaliland government in her part is either dead silent about the
whole matter or utter in incomplete sentences from time to time!
That is not a good omen either, that is not helpful! They better
tell the anxious Somaliland people what they know which the people
don’t know about the London conference! They better articulate what
is in and what is not in for Soma liland!
I believe Somaliland will be ready and willing to contribute a lot
to revive the patient-Somali a! But before that Somaliland must be
ushered according to her status as the Republic of Somaliland, to a
fair and acceptable spot in the London conference if Somaliland is
to be there. That is what Somaliland government did not articulate
so far!
Somaliland is not a region of Somalia!
Somaliland was a country then
Somaliland is a country now.
Somaliland is ready and willing to help Somalia and contribute to
the effort of finding solutions to her self made problems which
over14 conferences prior to this failed! Somaliland is not however
ready to be constrained and clutched or otherwise make ‘cuckoo’
politically, psychologically and otherwise. If that happens, peace
and stability in Somaliland will be the first casualty, and the
flame will engulf the whole Somali peninsula. I honestly believe,
that is not the intent of the London conference, but unintended
consequences happen when not be fair and when not be careful.
Somaliland fits rightly either a) in the ‘solution finders’ box or
2) in the observers box.
If she doesn’t fit and she doesn’t fit where you want her to fit
[Region], then put her where she fits right.
Justice must not be aloof any more for Somaliland; it was so for a
long time!
I hope the international community particularly this conference see
the other side of the coin in which some did not see while others
see it but pretend that they don’t see it?!
Live-and-let live is the rule of common justice and that is what
Somaliland was built on and that is what she expects from sensible
others. Forced marriage is not the answer. That defies the basic
rights of conscience. That defies the fundamental rights of self
“Justice is a machine that when some one has given it a starting
push, rolls on of itself “ (Galsworthy-Justice) why don’t the
international community and particularly the London conference give
two Somali states (as they were before July 1960) a starting push so
that they roll on by themselves. If Somalia does not heed she must
be helped by telling her the truth. This is a unique opportunity for
the London Conference to seriously entertain this option. Two
sovereign states living side by side instead of sacrificing one for
the other is better than the present situation the Somali peninsula
is in!
The government of the people, by the people and for the people
[Somaliland in this case] must not be sacrificed for a bunch of Al
shabaab, Refugees and piracy and terrorist producers ironically
recognized as the government of Somalia while it is known that they
are Not an elected body! That they are not accountable to their
people, that they kill their people, that they are accountable only
to foreign entities who actually made them in foreign hotels!
When the mindless and the mindful diverge in a wood, there is no
rationale to heave the mindful to the dungeon of the mindless
expecting a good return there! However there is a rationale to help
the mindless therefore, let the mindful, help the mindless. Let
Somaliland do this job with London conference organizers.
To get there put Somaliland where she deservedly fits in the said
She fits 1) either in the Solution-finders’ box or 2) in the
observer box, and the former is where I would put her. No other box
does Somaliland fits if we are fair to her.
Politics of envy on the part of Somalia
Politics of envy is the only thing that comes out from the
fragmented warlords of Somalia who are not 1) elected and 2) who are
not accountable to their people. They are only accountable to their
foreign patrons! They are the producers of 1) Al shabaab 2) the sea
pirates 3) Refugees 4) and destabilization of the region.
Envy is soreness at the good fortune of others.
“Envy is defined as a form of anguish felt by the subject at the
thought that he does not possess the good the rival does. Envy is a
tendency to view the well-being of others with misery others. Envy
aims; at least in terms of one's desire to destroy others' good
fortune.” (Aristotle, Rhetoric, Bk II, Chapter 10)
Envy is that passion which views with malignant dislike the
achievement of those who are really unconstrained to all the
advantage they possess. (Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments,
p. 244)
The only game Somalia is good at when it comes to Somaliland is not
to seek help and ask the relevant question of: “how did you guys do
it? Help us and show us how you did it” they did not do that! They
only play the politics of envy and the international community does
not tell them the truth!
Somalia factions do not worry of their pity situations, they instead
worry of the peace and stability of Somaliland and they sabotage to
wreck that achievement! They worry of the democracy which took roots
in Somaliland, full time! Ironically the international community
specially the UN seems that they are in tune with this unGodly
attitude and behavior! This is beyond the bounds of fairness to
Somaliland as it is beyond the bonds of logic!
Great actions speak great minds and great minds do great and fair
actions and such should prevail in the London conference. Foreign
owned and evil possessed Somalia factions should never get a
sacrificial (Somaliland) lamb in their plate! Conscionable people in
the London conference must never accept this! Somaliland people will
never allow this to happen what ever the cause may be! Therefore,
let every body come to his or her sense and instead find the right
way to help the senseless Somalia with out sacrificing Somaliland
for them! It is a no go proposition as far as the people of
Somaliland are concerned. Let us do what is fair. Let us do what is
right for all, and may God bless the Righteous. .
Peace and prayers
Community Advancement
through Conflict Resolution
c/o Ibrahim M Mead
Executive Director