A tribute to Mr. Jama Mahamoud Haid governor of
Djibouti Central Bank

It was a night, Friday was the day, 11th of January 2013, and I was
alone in my room. I switched on my laptop to update my nightly
information about the home country and it´s environ. I hit
Gabiley. net and my eyes caught a dreadful news item that sent an
electric shock to my heart. The death of great leader, gigantic
personality and dear friend, Mr. Jama Mahamoud Haid is announced. I
have no one to share with this calamity but my heart and mind. I
recited 11 times the Ikhlas sura and praye d Allah with Fatah to
safe-guide Jama´s soul to the best of heavens.
My sincere condolence to his family, other relatives, friends, the
government and the people of Djib outi, headed by the President of
Djibouti HE Ismail Omer Guelleh and first lady, the sister of the
dece ased Mrs. Khadra Mahamoud Haid.
It is like this time, we remember how vulnerable we are, how
temporary our life is and how our days are counted. Each day gone
reduces our life span and each night passed is another one less.
Continuously we are stepping, however slow it may seem, towards our
grave. WE know not the moment we say goodbye to this world, but
certainly we know we shall face that eventuality sooner or later.
That is one of the few certainty shared by all humanity regardless
of status, creed and col our.
Jama Mahamoud was a sagacious economist and shrewd financier. He
governed Djibouti Central Ba nk for nearly two decades, a tenure
second to none in length and quality. The economic growth, we alth
creation and financial stability, Djibouti accomplished during his
reign, tantamount to Jama´s su ccess story.
With his savoir faire and dedication, Djibouti attracted huge
foreign investment from Arabia and af ar. In a region of turbulent
economy and quivering currency, he stabilized Djibouti Franc
avoiding po tential inflation. With its skimpy population Djibouti´s
budget reached over one billion dollar annuall y, a figure relatively
too lofty for the countries in the region.
Socially Jama was a man of society, with leadership that knew no
national frontier. His death is felt throughout the region:
Djibouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya. He devoted to
the wellb eing of all citizens in the region, sticking together with
shared conviction to get a great leap forwa rd for regional
development. He was truly passionate for regional cooperation.
Jama was a true son of two states but one nation: Djibouti and
Somaliland. He spent great effort and time to maintain natural
brotherhood between these two states. He never allowed any crack,
tear and wear of the times to leave an open wound. This friendship
is clearly manifested by the mourning of Somalilanders in every town
and village. Planes started to come and go by the hour for two days,
picking mourners to attend his interment.
I met men and women of all walks of life in mourning and they all
agreed that Jama was a true son of both countries, a devoted Muslim
and man of mercy and dignity. He was short in talk but long in
deeds. He was selfless nationalist and helping hand to the needy and
poor. His charity extended be yond Djibouti. It reached all Somali
inhabited regions in the Horn of Africa.
Personally, it was few months ago when I phoned him asking about the
Islamic Banking Conference that had been held in Djibouti. His voice
was calm, calculated and precise. He gave all I need and inv ited me
to visit Djibouti. Surprisingly he articulated in a friendly tone,
that he never expected I wou ld be out of his reach in this long
since my appointment. We agreed to meet by the end of January. Alas
it never happened. Truly, it is said man proposes and Allah
disposes. To me his death is so painf ul and of great individual
loss. I was looking forward to a new, refreshed cooperation between
us a nd within our corresponding positions. I had a good working plan
intact. With the minutes I spent wi th him over the phone, I
discerned how bright, sharp and open minded Jama was, and how he
ponde rs for the benefit of Djibouti in every minute of his time.
Equally he presumed as own duty to work-out for any project that
lends a hand to both countries.
I hope his successor will fill his shoes fully and at ease. I
anticipate our corresponding capacities will be shoved to the profit
of both our countries, and I look forward to maintain our brotherly
two stat es closer and closer, for we are one people.
Jama did the best he can, and left a history written in gold and
diamond. Generations will remember him and his deeds will be
reflected in perpetuity. His good performance will go with him to
the grave and stay with him to serve his testimony in the Day of
Judgment. That is engraved in our Islamic reli gion. Do good deeds
and it will be with you forever.
Let us all, friends and relatives pray Allah to forgive Jama and
bestow him the best of heavens: Jantul Fardaws, Ameen. And let us
preserve all good deeds he initiated in eternity.
With heart full of sorrow, I share with Djibouti government and
people, the loss of this great personality, a son of two states and
one people: Djibouti and Somaliland.
Mr. Ahmed Hassan Arwo
Somaliland Presidential Economic Advisor.
Presidential Palace, Hargeysa
Tel: 002522 409 6421