What is this new phenomenon of Clan Complaining Conferences all over the regions

Ibrahim Mead , Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada

What is this new phenomenon of Clan Complaining Conferences?
Who is right and who is wrong here- the government or the complaining people?
It seems like a box of warms was opened?
It never happened in this propensity before!
Who is wrong here- the government or the clans which the Somaliland people consist of? Where does the problem lie? Who is the problem? Who is mishandling the situation?
Does this has any merit which has to be addressed, or is it a provocative moves which undermines the government?

More importantly it all depends how the government addresses this phenomena?
Is the government Reacting to this situation or are they Responding to the situation? That makes all the difference.

Already Gabiley authorities and their bosses crossed the border. The governor there has even threatened the citizens because they called a regional conference which they have every right and any one who attempts to deny their right is just creating conflicts and by doing that they are not helping the government and they are not helping the Gabiley citizens! They better not react, instead they better Respond to the complain.
What is the difference between Response and React?

The difference between response & react

Responding to a situation is acting positively. It is positive way of addressing a problem. It is a positive action. It is addressing the problem rationally, pragmatically
Reacting has connotations of bad or undesirable actions. It is an emotional reflexive act.
It could be bad move as well as good one. reacting is more spontaneous and a reflexive.
Responding to a problem or situation may mean that one learns form the mistakes situations give and do something positive of it or about it

Reacting is more like defending your self forthright no matter what, and perceiving others as adversaries on attack! This kind of attitude never solves any problem, never did! On the contrary it could escalate or elevate the situation into a more dangerous level!

Responding is listening and learning. It is appreciating the complain, evaluating it, learning from it, confessing your mistakes where they affected, then addressing the problem or situation according to it’s merit.

The last step could be addressing the nation and let every body be aware that what one clan needs is the same as what the other clans need i.e. Security and Stability b) Justice c) Health care d) education e) water and the rest of it!

People must be educated in elementary civics. But who can do all these? Men in the knowing and Grownups. People with cultural, historical and emotional bond to this 2nd Republic of Somaliland. People who can convey the message to the right authorities and like wise can convey the complaining communities the Right message from the authorities. In other words people who can deliver and connect the people with their government and not goons who may only create conflicts!

Somaliland has many enemies and such massive clan discontent or disconnection with the government could be a fertile soil for the saboteurs and ! This is a new phenomenon and it has to be addressed right before it metamorphosed into a massive revolt of some sort. Putting your head in the sand and expect it will solve itself is not tenable !

Let us all work together to wards the common destination of unity and common ground
Peace and prayers





Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada