
I have the honor to address this emergency appeal to You, International Organizations, Friendly go vernm ent and NGO’s on behalf of the Citizens of Somaliland Republic.


The Republic of Somalia came into existence as a result of the unification of ( British Somaliland Pro t ctorate ) and Italian Somalia on the 1st of July 1960. The following condition set by the politicians of Italian Somalia. Set the stage for the present dissolution of the union.

1 The Flag and the Constitution of the south-Italian Somalia should be those of the Union.
2 Mogadisho to be the capital and the seat of government.
3 The president should be from the south.
4 The commander of the army and the police should be southerners.

This great imbalance of political power was further accentuated by the division of seats in the Unio ns National Assembly ( Parliament ). 90 of the total seats of 123 belonged to the south. The estimat ed population ratio was then about 2/3 in favor of the south. As early as 1961, the army officers of the north organized an ill-fated coup against southern domination. It was of course quickly crushe d. Because of the popular belief in national unity. The north was indeed reduced to an inferior regio n. Its share of the national cake was always minimal. A deliberate policy of economic starvation and political domination of the north was the order of the day. The successive representative governm ent of the Republic was never redressing the ill feeling and resentment of the North.

The rise of Dictator Siad Barre to power in October 1969 unleashed untold horrors. The Somali Natio nal Movement ( SNM ), took up arms against the Dictator Siad Barre in 1981. The Organization libera ted the North in 1991 and declared on the 18th of May 1991 the separate independent and soverei gn state of Somaliland Republic. The declaration of independence was proclaimed after conducting a lot of consultations with the elders, politicians and intellectuals of all groups and all tribes. In fact t he population pressured the SNM to declare independence. The declaration of the newly born state is the true expression of the will of the people.


Peace stability and national reconciliation are urgent issues which the Somaliland government addr essed itself to all tribes were invited participate in the national government. Their share of portf olios of the government, a fair representation in the constituent Assembly should also be devised and allocated to these tribes. This so in order to enable them to take part in the fundamental deci sions which this representation should effectively be achieved. Is entrusted to the government and the all Tribes their fair and effective representation is are entitled to exercise and enjoy.


The government of Somaliland Republic is the effective and unchallenged authority of the North (Fo rmer Somaliland British Protectorate). The government enjoy the support of the population, these is peace for the first time after a long period of repression. The dramatic change of the political map of Europe set presidents that support our case,. Our unilateral declaration of independent is not a secession, It is a restoration of a past status que. We got our independence on June 26 1960, the south on 1st July 1960. We were independent five days ahead of the south. As that we did once for all.

The political map of the Horn of Africa with the rise of Eritrea and Somaliland has also change; the “ New World Order “ favors the downfall of African dictators. That is being swept by the current wind of change in Africa. The break-up of cumbersome states in Europe is also welcome. The recognition of the emerging states is the order of the day. Though recognition is essentially a political decision the identical situation of the emergent states of both continents neither be denied nor overlooked.

Political solution of political problems is a preferable option. The government of Somaliland Republic is anxious to solve outstanding problems with southern Somalia. Our independence and separate st atehood are not subject to negotiations. Our unilateral declaration of the sovereign state of Somalil and is irreversible. The warring factions of the south are not likely to entertain at the moment a pe aceful settlement of their problems.

Political solution in the absence of a southern partner is a remote possibility. The recognition of our newly born Republic is held up for the fact that the south as an entity is non-existent. Our case for recognition should not suffer for factors beyond our control. The E.U. Parliament and International community should view our case on its own merit.


The Republic of Somaliland is in a dire need of International aid. Infrastructures, water supply syst ems, hospitals, schools, and entire cities and villages are pulled to the ground by the Somalian arm y. Minefield was indiscriminately planted throughout the country. Demeaning presents problems that the Somaliland government and the public are


The destruction, which the southern army of occupation has inflicted, is unparalleled entire cities and villages are pulled to the ground. Indiscriminate planting of minefields further cripples the possibility of reconstruction. As the former masters of the North, Southern politicians old or new unlikely to easily come to terms with the fact-of-life reality that has emerged. Aid donor, NGO’s and International organizations are request to consider the unique case of the Republic of Somaliland unlike other disaster-stricken situations our country has to start reconstruction and rehabilitation right from the scratch. In all other situations the devastation and destruction were neither total nor nationwide. In our case we are left with a physical environment devoid of every thing to live on, and a destitute population a refugee population robbed of all their independent means of livelihood.

We have to realize that we are not different from the former Yugoslavia, and former Soviet Union, who break up into different independent countries. If Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, and Bosnia can be a Sovereign counters, why not in Somaliland?.
We have to have the will, the political will and collective will. We have a right to get self-determination and get recognition from the world.

Everybody must believe and understand that the past can no longer be re-created, and there will be no more of the artificial Nation-State of the SO-CALLED-GREAT-SOMALIA. We have dreams; dreams born of the new mood of desperation; Dream of sovereignty of dignity, of education, health, employment, social welfare and so on.


If you can look into the faces of those whose world have been torn famine and war and feel in some way responsible. You know the meaning of love
If you can see people with little or no hope and know that their survival is very much licked to your own. You know the meaning of brotherhood.
If you can feel that those of you, who have been blessed with abundance should share with those less fortunate. You know the meaning of charity.
If you can look into the eyes of hungry child and feel the pains.
You know the meaning of compassion.
If you can travel to the end of the world to bring hope to those who would otherwise never know it. You know the meaning of courage.
And if you can see a smile in the faces of those who should have no reason to smile. You know that there is still time. YOU CAN GIVE US RECOGNITION

I should therefore be considered for immediate recognition and development aid in order to help us cope with tremendous problems we face.