Is there any discipline that is void of Leadership? Well, it is up to you to think

For many individuals, and at least Somali Landers, meaning of leadership has often confus ed with politics. We have talked about politics, activities of the administration or the gove rnment as a whole, in numerous occasions, this time I “ Aniis “ would like all of us to talk a bout “ LEADERSHIP “.

When position speaks, it becomes an order, when leadership speak there is no language, but just purely visible action. To what extent is it true to believe that leaders are born and not made is highly debatable topic, but the fact if leaders are born, why has learning, preaching and practicing produced various successful leaders could equally be questionabl e. Intriguingly quite often, issues, controversial remarks, or sudden luck has also make le aders….Like “ XYZ “. At other instances, great leaders have also emerged by empowering their follower …Like “ SNM..Leaders “.

Leaders are for one reason different then many of their followers because they are entr usted to be a solution, an individual or a body who can be counted on, and be an example of what mass population would wish to be….Like “ SNM…Commanders. Leadership exists in every aspects of life. Planning your home, life, society, or relationship, leadership plays de cisive role in effectiveness of it leadership gives life to various functioning of official, gover nment “Although is when don’t have good government”, business, or political job. If it is so important in every run of our lives, what is leadership, right! And , is Political leadership on ly definition of leadership? Leadership is relationship, its guidance, sacrifice, controlling, in fluencing, symbol, admiring, sustaining, teaching, expressing, skills and above all its nothin g but leading by an example….” Which is XYZ do not have”.

Leaders come out from the various run of life. Due to the challenging skills that require ea ch leader to be most effective and successful, there has never been any set of qualificati on listed to be a successful leader. One can say education, practical experience, understa nding, enthusiasm, and commitment can be essentials factors of the most efficient leader s. While, it’s tough to say what leaders need in order to be successful, it could be logical to see what do most effective and successful leaders have in common. Leaders who prov ed themselves have shown integrity, vision, consistency, accountability and beyond the entire most common trait they have shown is that they are always good listeners. It woul d not however be wrong to say that one of the other most important qualities of leaders is to stand for their decisions to gain trust of their followers….Which is XZY do not have….

Is there any different division of leaders? I would categorize leaders in two most basic cri teria, first being good leaders and Second effective leaders. History has shown various ex emplary leaders who have been good as well as effective, while some have proved to be highly effective yet failed to be humanely good. However, with its wide meaning, it is imp ossible to define leadership with one right definition.

The Modern Somaliland influenced by the SNM leaders believes Somaliland to have introdu ced advancing concept of leadership. At the same time Somaliland around the world, esp ecially with belief in sovereignty of Somaliland can trace strong sense of leadership from their SNM background.

Good or bad, the biggest strength of any leaders is their ability to make a decision at any crucial moment, without any hesitation.

My Somaliland people as long as you can find someone else to blame for anything you are doing, you can not be held accountable or responsible for your growth or the lack of it….You most stop blaming everyone else for your current condition in the country . We can not forget our history. We can not forget the past. We know there are forces that oppos e us , but because they oppose us do not mean they have won. We must stop believing what has been said to and about us; we must take full responsibility for how and what we are. Many people of Somaliland are afraid to look at the lessons, we must learn from the past. If we do not learn the lesson, we will continue to repeat the class. We have a reason to be angry; we have a reason to be afraid; but there is absolutely no reason for us to remain where we are. When we want to rise, we will. When we are ready to grow, we can. The only thing holding us in place right now are the things “ we” do not do……So my Somal iland people let us take our country back…….LET US SAY…..NO MORE……..