Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada

Good governance is the key for the quest of our recognition, not lies!
Pre-requests for achieving our Recognition
First thing first, believe in your cause and case. Trust you’re self. Trust your people. Unite your people behind you, Secure your territorial borders, create real democratic government, establish good governance, Stand on your ground, know the doors that when you knock venomous snakes comes out from it from the save and persuadable ones, then you have a product ready to be sold to the international market. And not only that, the right people equipped with experience and the right knowledge must be the marketers of the finished product which is our recognition. And not only that, when you have all the above you must create the right environment for this to grow, that is minimizing corruption as well as the corruptors. All these means, a) honesty, b) knowledge c) good leadership d) knowledgeable crew to market and sell our product-our quest for recognition.
Somaliland government can sell the recognition case only and only when they have the above elements and when there is just and working democracy in side the country. That means when there is good governance and a united people heading into one direction. It is all local. Before it goes out of the house of Somaliland the house must fulfill at least some of the United Nations Principles of Good Governance in which the author expressed some of them above and some below in this paper.
We see and hear that Siilanyo’s government appoints individuals they say they are seeking international recognition for Somaliland! ‘Recognition seekers, they call them!’ Those recognition seekers are not appointed from the office of the Minister for foreign affairs. They are not qualified and they are not experience The question is what are they selling and what is the Minister selling as well!? Both of them are selling the same product-recognition, they say!
When a vendor is selling a beef sandwich there must be a beef in that sandwich otherwise he does not have a real beef sandwich, like wise when we are selling our cause and our quest for recognition we must have what it takes to undertake that task.
Suppose they are out there selling a beef sandwich and when the buyer opens the sandwich did not find beef in the sandwich, then that product was not sold! The-would-be buyer walks away wondering, where was the beef!?
The beef is not talk or saying” we were under British and they were under Italy” even though that historical event was true but that is not enough for this task in question. What they call Recognition seekers is a nonsense exercise. There are Somaliland community associations all over the world. The ministry of foreign affairs could coordinate with them if need be. I think the best thing is to leave the newly appointed guy to establish his office and staff, and do it his way with out interference. I believe he is a capable guy to do the job even though he unfortunately repeated the government silly line of “knocking every door!” even when they are knocking the wrong door! On the other side the new guy of the foreign office can not cook beef for the sandwich we say we are selling to the world by him-self. The beef comes or does not come from the government and there is no functioning government let alone good governance in our home land for now!
Our national policy, foreign or otherwise must be an established policies where by every administration takes it from there. Recognition comes from inside. It is all local first, and then the finished product can be taken to out side market. To realize this, the government must first believe in the CAUSE and put the right people in charge of this task. This will bear fruit when the people are UNITED and are CONNECTED to their government, when the government is of the people and for the people and not an oligarchy entity as Siilanyo’s government is accused it is. When the people running the government are qualified and capable, and lastly when the government attributes to the below mentioned principles of good governance then such government has a beef in the sandwich they are selling. The (recognition) product is then sellable, ready for marketing.
Another important thing to mention is-“don’t knock every door” like Siilanyo’s failed approach of knocking and focusing their effort to the enemy’s door. They are knocking the perpetrators of the ethnic cleansing’s door and that is Somalia! Venomous snakes came out from that preferred door. They showed us that they are as committed and sworn enemy of Somaliland as they were and more. Siilanyo’s crew doesn’t see what we see, they say they see money and we say we see our cause! Our cause and case is not money!
The role of a democratic government in governing
a democratic government hast the initiations and executions of policies relevant to her program however there are other actors in governance. Government is one of the actors in governance. Other actors involved in governance vary depending on the level of government that is under discussion. Other actors may include associations of peasant farmers, cooperatives, NGOs, research institutes, religious leaders, political parties, etc. All actors other than government and the military are grouped together as part of the "civil society. The Centre for Consultation and Development “Madasha wadatashiga” is a part of the civil society which has a stake and a role to play in a democratic government according to the United Nation’s principles of good Governance I hope Mr. Siilanyo and crew understand that. If they are honest of their ignorance in this regard then they can be helped, but if not it is a whole different ball game and it is ugly.
The beef is in the “good governance.”
Good governance has the following attributes: can Mr. Siilanyo claim to these attributes or at least some of them or even argue that he does not have any of these attributes but that he is working towards this ideal with the aim of making it a reality? If he does then the man can be given a second chance but on watch status, however if he honestly can not claim at least some of the below mentioned attributes and not even saying “I screwed-up, help me,” then the country must be saved from him and his crew!
According to the United Nations Principles of good Governance the following attributes must be there in good governance:

1-Consensus oriented government.
5-Effective and efficient
6-Equitable and inclusive
7-Follows the rule of law
8-Assures that corruption is minimized.
9-The views of the opposition are taken into account.
10-The voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making.
11-Unites the people and never divides them as to benefit their divisions
12-Respects human rights
13-have check and balance where by the houses of parliament are not sold by the executive
14-Independent and working Judiciary
15-up holds freedom of speech and freedom of the press
16-Responsive to the present and future needs of the society.
When you have some of the above attributes then you have a beef sandwich to sell. When that product is shown to the world, it is by no means sellable because there is a real beef in the sandwich. Mr. Siilanyo must show the beef-(good governance) to his people before he can take it to the international market! Can he do that!? The answer to this is that they did not do that thus far!

From the above discussion it should be clear that it is difficult to achieve all the virtues and principles mentioned above in its totality. Very few countries and societies have come close to achieving good governance in its totality. However, to ensure sustainable working government for the development of her Cause and Case and the welfare of her people, actions must be taken to work towards this ideal with the aim of making it a reality. Are we in this path? Is Siilanyo’s administration even attempting to go to words this path? Do they have the honesty and courage to say: “we screwed up help, help?
Bad governance is being increasingly regarded as one of the root causes of all evil within our societies in the Somali peninsula and else where.

Peace and prayers
Ibrahim Mead