The current administration in Somaliland has over lived its usefulness and has to, by hook and crook, go before it....


The long and tedious road to secession, security and democracy has been made possible by some really visionary Somalilanders of all tribes. Some were elders of all major tribes who live in Somaliland; others were season ed politicians lead by the likes of the late president Egal, Abdurahman-tur and colonel Ahmed Aw-ali to just name few. These public figures and othe rs can be called the founding fathers of our young nation-SOMALILAND.

I remember the roles played by the GARAAD of all GARAADS, the late Abdiqani and the intellectuals of Borama in ascertaining that no further blood needs to be shed within boundaries of Somaliland. These people were real visionaries and deserve our respect. Thanks to those people, most of whom are unfortunately not with us today, we enjoy full peace and prosperity in comparison to what is happening in the Sourthern parts of Somalia. Thanks to them, may Allah reward them for the good deeds, we are now a democratic nation not simply because we have democrat ically elected president, but also because we have multiparty system and have strong opposition parties.

We are not fully democratic yet, but we are on the right path to becom ing an exemplary for all the countries in the region. Even though not yet recognised as a country, we gained the respect of many powerful countri es and if we continue on this path we will definitely achieve our goals. We can not afford to do otherwise; we can not press the self-destruction button now and start destroying all the good things the wise people of Somaliland have been building during the last 18 years of our existence.

I am hereby requesting from our honourable president and his governm ent to heed to the calls of his people and to wisely steer Somaliland out of trouble. He can do that by swiftly acting in the interest of the people and lead the country to fair election without any further delay. Nor more further requests of your term in office to be extended, because that kind of staff has already damaged people’s confidence in your government. Indeed, the whole of process of democratic elections including electoral commission has been discredited. Your people are losing their sense of security, anger is building up under their skins and if your government does go peacefully if defeated in the following election there will be serious troubles ahead. At the moment, the way things are, we believe that the only thing between full-fledged civil war and Somaliland is Kulmiye party leader who has far been showing huge self-restraint. No body wants anything like that to happen in Somaliland and therefore you need to act in a responsible manner. Let me give you a peace of advice, arrange presidential election and leave the post. There is no way you are going to get re-elected, because after 8 long years your chance of retaini ng your post is theoretically minimum. In my opinion, the only way you can win this election is by:
-using the tax payers money for your election campaign
-using military force if necessary
-using coercion and threats

However, the above mentioned mechanisms would not be tolerated by the people of Somaliland and there will be dire consequences, so that is no go area unless you plan to follow the footsteps of siyad bare, mengis tu and chewcescu of Rumania. The only decent decision to take is to safe your country from impending disaster and give others chance to pick it up where you left and move Somaliland further forward. That is the way for ward and that is the only way you could write your name in the history books. The writing is on the walls and your government has done its part and has to therefore go.



Musse Ahmed Dualeh