DATE:  25 AUGUST 2012                                                                           IMMEDIATE

SOMALILAND:  We have our own Constitution and Elected Representatives


 The people of the independent Republic of Somaliland are saddened by the fact that Somalians have yet again chosen to include Somaliland in their dispensation, when it is clear to everyone that since 1991, Somalilanders have not only established peace but have also adopted their own Constitution which was finally approved in a national referendum in 2001.  Somalilanders hope that Somalians will achieve the peace and stability that has evaded them so far, but also urge them and the international community to accept and respect the irreversible decision of the Somaliland people to re-gain their sovereignty in May 1991.  


After two decades of building democratic institutions and conducting peaceful and smooth transfers of power through popular elections, one would have expected that the international community would no longer remain blind to the presence of a genuine democratic representation in Somaliland that can speak authoritatively for the Somaliland people. The international community was aware of and accepted Somaliland’s non-involvement in the “Roadmap” to end the “transition in Somalia” and in the making of the new Somalia constitution which was devised by the Somalia Transitional Government (TFG), the various regions/groups of Somalia and the UN. 


And, yet when it came to the adoption of the Somalia constitution and the selection of the new Assembly, the formula that was used again was one which denied the existence of Somaliland’s elected representatives and was first used in 2000.   A spokesman for the Somaliland Diaspora Groups said:


“It is bad enough for Somaliland to be denied the international recognition that it rightfully deserves, but it is duplicitous, to say the least, to disregard all the state building efforts undertaken by Somaliland over two decades and to reduce the whole of the Somaliland people into one newly invented majority clan and one minority clan that would both be counted as part of the other Somalia clans.  Attempting to dismantle Somaliland into a patchwork of clan regions will not bring about a new union of Somaliland and Somalia, but is likely to lead to more conflict and disintegration which is of no benefit to anyone.”  


The vast majority of Somaliland’s real traditional leaders, who were instrumental in building Somaliland’s peace and institutions, rejected immediately the blandishments to go to Somalia.  Attracting, therefore, a few mainly self-appointed persons from Somaliland to Mogadishu, neither co-opts Somaliland into the Somalia “Roadmap process”, nor does it give the Somalia constitution or the new government any legitimacy in Somaliland.  It simply reinforces the Somaliland people’s belief that the prevailing attitude in Somalia is still the desire to run Somaliland from Mogadishu.  This casts serious doubts on the future of the planned talks between Somaliland and the Somalia Government agreed at the London Conference only six months ago and will pose a new threat to the fragile peace and stability in the Horn of Africa if the new Somalia government starts interfering in Somaliland’s affairs.


As the Somali sayings go, only a blind person can fall into the same hole more than once, and that losing your way on a road makes you learn it well. We lost our way once in 1960 when we gave up our sovereignty and have since counted the cost of that mistake in loss of liberty, limb and life, especially throughout the 1980s.  So, good luck, Somalia, with your new constitution and new government; we, in Somaliland, have our own which we will never lose again.



1.       The Promotion of the Somaliland Constitution Group

2.       SIRAG

3.        Somaliland Societies in Europe (SSE)

4.       African Rural Health & Education Trust

5.       West London Somaliland Community

6.       Somaliland Society UK (SSUK)

7.       Somaliland Brain Trust Youth Organization

8.       Somaliland Ambassadors Without Borders

9.       Somaliland Development Organization

10.  Ottawa Somaliland Community Service

11.  Somaliland American Association

12.  East Africa Policy Institute


·         Attached is the SOMALILAND “AUGUST 2012” STATEMENT of the Somaliland Diaspora Groups

·         Please see the Notes attached to the Statement,

For any further information about this Press Release and Statement, please contact us at: 






WAR SAXAAFADEED                                                                TAARIIKH: 27 AUGUST 2012

SOMALILAND:  Waxa aanu Leenahay Dastuur iyo Madax aanu Dooranay


Ummadda Jamhuuriyadda madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland waxa ay ka xun tahay in ay dadka Somalia mar kale ku dhex dareen magaca iyo dalka Somaliland arrimahooda in kasta oo ay u caddahay qof kasta in ilaa 1991kii dadka Somaliland ay nabaddooda yagleeleen oo ay samaysteen Dastuur lagu ansixiyey 2001kii afti qaran. Ummadda Somaliland waxa ay rajeynaysaa in dadka Somalia ay helaan nabadda iyo xasilloonida ay ilaa hadda raadinayeen, waxaney ku guubaabineysaa  iyaga iyo beesha caalamkuba in ay ku qancaan oo ixitiraamaan  go'aanka aan ka noqoshada laheyn ee ay ummadda Somaliland kula soo noqdeen madax-bannaanidooda bishii May sannadkii 199kii.   


Somaliland muddo labaatan sannadood ah ayay dhisanaysay hay’ado Dastuuri ah oo ay u hirgelisay si nabad iyo nidaam leh kala wareejin hoggaanka dalkeeda. Kalawareejintaasi waxa ay ku salaysnayd mar walba doorashooyin ay dadka oo dhammi ka qaybgaleen. Waxaa markaa la is odhan lahaa beesha caalamku waqtigan iskama indho tirayaan jiritaanka hay’adahaas habka diimuqraadiga ah ku yimid, heystana awood buuxda oo ay ku matalaan, una hadlaan dadka Somaliland.  Beesha caalamku wey ogeyd in Somaliland aaney ku dhex jirin wada xaajoodka khiddaddii “Roadmap”-ka ee lagu soo afjarayey xilliyada ku meel gaadhka ah (KMG) ee Somalia, iyo sameynta Dastuurka cusub ee Somalia, oo arrimahaas oo dhan ay ka qaybqaateen Dawladda KMG, gobolada Somalia qaarkood iyo Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobey (QM).


Nasiibdarro markii la gaadhey ansixiintii Dastuurka Somalia iyo xulista Baarlamaankooda cusub, waxay qolyahaa Somalia mar kale adeegsadeen shirqoolkii la abuurey 2000kii ee lagu dafirayey jiritaanka madaxda la doortey ee Somaliland. Qof u hadlayey ururrada Qurbajooga Somaliland (ee soo saarey Bayaankan) ayaa wuxuu yidhi:


“Aad bey u xuntahay in Somaliland weli loo diido ictiraafka caalimga ah ee ay kasbatay, laakiin waxaaba kaba sii daran been abuurka lagu dafirayo hawlahii dhisidda heykal dawladeed ee Somaliland ee laga soo shaqaynanay 20ka sannadood. Taas oo markaas ummaddii Somaliland laga dhigey intooda badan hal Qabiil cusub aan hore u jirin oo la hindisey, intii kalena lagu darey Qabiil kale oo ka mid ah qabaa’ilka Somalia.  Isku-deyga in loo kala qoqobo Qaranka Somaliland gobollo qabaa’il ahi marnaba ma soo celineyso isu-taggii Somaliland iyo Somalia, laakiin waxay keenaysaa oo kaliya iska hor-imaad baaha iyo burbur aan cidna faa’iido ugu jirin!”


Madax Dhaqmeedkii asliga ahaa ee Somaliland, oo gacan weyna ku lahaa hirgelinta nabadda Somaliland iyo dhisidda haykalka dawladeed, dheg umey dhigin markii looga soo gacan-haadiyey Soomalia. Haddaba, u soo jiidashada Muqdishu dad yar oo asal ahaan Somaliland ka so jeeda, hase yeeshee aan cidna matalin aan hungurigooda ahayn, Somaliland marnaba may dhex gelin habkan Khariidada “Roadmap”-ka Somalia, ka ma na  dhigeyso Dastuurka Somalia amma dawladdeeda wax ka socon kara carriga Somaliland. Waxa ay sii adkaysey  uun ra’yiga ay qabaan dadka Somaliland oo ah in Somalia ay wali ku taamayaan inay Somaliland Muqdishu uun ka xukunto. Arrintani waxa ay kaloo shaki weyn gelineysaa mustaqbalka wadahadalladii Somaliland iyo Somalia ee lix bilood ka hor  Shirkii London lagu heshiiyey in ay bilaabmaan. Waxeyna khatar aan horey u jirin gelineysaa xaaladda nabaddeed iyo xasilloonidda aan taamka aheyn ee ka jirta mandaqadda Geeska Afrika haddii dawladda cusub ee Somalia bilowdo khal-khal galinta arrimaha Somaliland.


Waxa la yidhi god qof aan waxba arkayn ayuun baa labo jeer ku dhaca;  waddona waxaa si dhab ah loo bartaa uun marka hore loogu lumay.  1960kii ayaannu god ku dhacney oo aannu lunnay markii aannu madaxbanaanidayadii laalney, ilaa markaasna wax aannaan weli ka soo kaban khasaarihii naga soo gaadhey ee aannu ku weyney xorriyad, naf iyo maalba, gaar ahaan sannadahii 1980yadii. Haddaba, Somalia waxa aannu leennahay “Dastuurkiina iyo Dawladdiinu wax ha idiin tareen; annaggu Dastuurkayaga iyo Dawladayada weligeen mar kale luminmeyno”. 



1.        Unugga Daryeelka Dastuurka Somaliland.

2.      SIRAG

3.        Somaliland Societies in Europe (SSE)

4.        African Rural Health & Education Trust

5.        West London Somaliland Community

6.        Somaliland Society UK (SSUK)

7.        Somaliland Brain Trust Youth Organization

8.        Somaliland Ambassadors Without Borders

9.        Somaliland Development Organization

10.    Ottawa Somaliland Community Service

11.    Somaliland American Association

12.    East Africa Policy Institute



Waxaa halkan ku lifaaqan BAYAANKA OGOST 2012 oo ay soo saareen Ururrada Qurbajooga Somaliland ee kor ku qoran

Wixii faafaahin ah ama macluumaad ku saabsan Warsaxaafadeedkan iyo Bayaanka, fadlan nagala soo xidhiidh halkan: