Mr. Siilanyo administration’s tactics in covering their deficiencies and dishonesty


Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada

No matter how one tries to hide the truth of any thing, in the end truth will surface. Falsehood can not out run truth. The truth of the matter is that Somaliland is bleeding! Siilanyo’s administration seems that they live in a parallel universe. It seems they are delusional! The fact is Somaliland is bleeding thus crying for Rescue.

All our strength is in the unity of our people. Mr. Siilanyo failed to keep and safeguard the unity and harmony of the people of Somaliland. He fragmented it and undid it
He divided the people, betted one community against the other and further alienated others!
All our danger is in the discord of our people. He succeeded in that front!
He created an oligarchy administration instead of government of national unity and of wise men and women. He did not do that. He did the opposite
As a result of these mischievous acts, it is necessarily important to separate the country from the (false) man, lest they go astray together! We have to rescue Somaliland
[Ninka iyu wadanka kalareeba yayna is la lumineh]

Mr. Siilanyo was supposed to form a national democratic government run by the best, honest and the brightest of Somaliland’s sons and daughters. That was the expectation and the very reason we gave him our votes. He betrayed that expectation and the people who elected him for that reason. He instead formed an oligarchy government. (A small group of people who together govern a nation and control them often for their own purpose)
Mr. Siilanyo failed the people and the country of Somaliland. The following are the.
Signs or index of failed state, socially, economically, politically, public service, human rights, and state institutions like houses of parliament and judiciary are all visible in Somaliland!

1- Political indicators: Endemic corruption or profiteering by (oligarchies) ruling elites and resistance to transparency, accountability and political representation.
This includes widespread loss of popular confidence in state institutions i.e. houses of congress, presidency and judiciary; furthermore the executive branch swallows the other institutions like the houses of congress and the judiciary. That is where Somaliland is to day!
2-Economic indicators: Uneven economic development along (clan) group lines: determined by group-based inequality, or perceived inequality, in, jobs, and economic status.
3 Social indicators: Demographic pressures. The pressure from a population's settlement patterns and physical settings, including border disputes, ownership or occupancy of land 4- Deterioration of public services: a disappearance of basic state functions that serve the people, including failure to protect citizens and to provide essential services, such as security, health, education, sanitation, and the rest of them. Also using the state apparatus for agencies that serve the ruling elites, such as the security forces, presidential staff, central bank, customs and collection agencies
5-wide spread violation of human rights: an emergence of authoritarian power in which constitutional and democratic institutions and processes are Any widespread abuse of legal, political and social rights, including those of individuals, groups or cultural institutions (e.g., harassment of the press, politicization of the judiciary, internal use of the military or the police for political ends, Repression of political opponents. (Ref: Conflict Assessment System Tool – CAS) All of the above indicators are there in Somaliland under Mr. Siilanyo’s administration!!

Mr. Siilanyo, acquiesce or outsources his duties as president of the Republic to a very close group of inexperienced, apathetic, and arrogant individuals. Siilanyo’s government consists of five plus others. The five are the main engine of the oligarchy administration. Others are just Ministers who earn their living in that capacity!
Most people believe that Mr. Siilanyo and his government show disrespect to the people and they disregard the constructive criticism regarding their negligence of the affairs of the people. On the contrary they complain that they are not respected and the (some) people are their enemies! For this reason they are on the defensive on most cases at most of the time of what they did wrong and they do wrong most of the issues most of the time! The five and their Boss exerted and exhausted every trick of the book to hide, misinform and mislead the nation. They use the following tactics:

1- They play the victim when ever their deficiencies and dishonesty is criticized.
The false man acts like a victim in order to manipulate the people into forgiving or for getting his deficiencies and /or his mischievous acts! This can be an effective technique in which underlines trust, respect and fair treatment of others. In effect, he is abusing the virtue of the governed; much like a con man steals from an honest person
2-they distort truth and reality. The false man never lets the truth stand in his way, but instead creates his own reality, with him as the honorable man and others as the villains. In this parallel universe, his misrepresentations and deceptions lead to false conclusions. He audaciously repeats his wrongs acting beleaguered
The wrong doer misleads people by excluding important information that would explain the situation and reveal the underlying reality. When you counter with fact-based details, he misstates and belittles others viewpoint. (Please refer the exchange between Citizen Muj Harroon (the blind hero) and the President of Somaliland Mr. Siilanyo, in London Sheraton room!)
The false man Presents unfounded information as fact, because facts aren’t on his side, he quotes unfounded information as important and authoritative. He misrepresents others arguments, and claims people support his ideas
3-They Distort facts and their meaning A wrongdoer if he dares to describe the details of an event right, he then distorts the interpretation. Perhaps he slips in an inaccurate detail or innuendo about others motives,
A (wrong doer) false man’s goal is to create a new reality that puts a positive spin on his behavior and intentions, while implying the worst about the behaviors and intentions of his opponents. He intends to make him appear reasonable and constructive, while his opponents appear unreasonable and destructive.
4-The false man is evasive and avoids the truth about his actions.
An evasive false man never gives a straight answer about his misconduct, about his mistakes and deficiencies. He denies his self-serving intentions and acts confused by complaints about his mismanagement of vital issues.
When complaints about his behavior persist, he questions the motives of the complainer. If asked to explain the rationale for his behavior, he angrily refuses, perhaps becoming belligerent. Or he flatly denies the specific charges of his bad actions, rejecting any facts as fabricated by a vengeful, biased people who are after him and his government!
Alternatively, he justifies his deceptive actions as needed to achieve positive goals, or mischaracterizes his aggressive behavior traits as valid leadership qualities.
5-Never honest and constructive An evasive wrong doer is never straightforward, never tells you his hidden agenda and never reveals his innermost desires. He would never consider making an effort to fix a relationship by changing his behavior. If there is an obvious conflict with you, he prevents it from being surfaced and resolved openly, preferring to undermine you behind your back. Attacks you when you confront him
When you tell the wrong doer face-to-face that his behavior is inappropriate, he tends to minimize your complaints by saying the only problem is with your lack of understanding. In other words, you just don’t comprehend the situation. He may use a more condescending approach by accusing you of being overly sensitive.
Alternatively, he sidesteps your on-target criticism by acting erratically, irrationally!
6-Passes the blame to others An evasive wrong doer-the false man, asserts that the problem is with others, not he.
By criticizing others, he avoids discussing his own behaviors and short-comings, and he accuses others of behaviors far worse than his, saying that others triggered the bad situation because they created a situation in which he had no choice but to behave the way he did, destructive and mean He even claims he is the one who is being victimized. That is the behavior of the false man. That is a hidden behavior trait of the (evil doer) false man. (Ref: Dave Chapman. Copyright 2009)
All these happen when conscience is absent! .

What distinguishes the regular guy from the false men?
What distinguishes us from the people with no conscience is the empty hole in their consciousness, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing functions.
If such people happen to lead, the led suffers and falls to their demise!
Imagine if you have no conscience, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you did or do, have no sense of concern for the well-being of your people, the very people who trusted you to mind their store!
Imagine when one has no struggles with shame, not a single one in his life, even when thousands were affected negatively no matter what kind of selfish, harmful, or immoral action he had taken against those who trusted him with their country as well as their lives as their leader, and pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to him, except as a burden others seem to accept without question!

Now add to this the false man’s ability to conceal from other people that his psychological makeup is fundamentally different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that he is with no conscience. In other words, he is free of internal restraints, and his unimpeded liberty to do just as he likes, with no spasms of conscience, is conveniently invisible to the world around him. He then can do anything, and still his strange advantage over the majority of the people who are kept in line by their consciences, will most likely remain unnoticed!

Unforthcoming and wicked leader ought to be forcibly stopped. The demon of the (evil doer) false man is the absence of the inner mechanism that strikes us psychologically speaking.
When the false man makes a bad choice he doesn’t view that as bad, immoral, unethical, neglectful, deceitful, and selfish or betrayal! To him it is business as usual!
Those who have no conscience at all are a group unto themselves, whether they are dictators or merely ruthless, moral less, unconscionable, corrupt and mischievous people who tend to rule! The presence or absence of conscience is a deep human division.

Once to every leader and nation comes the point in time to decide, in the contention of truth and falsehood, of good and evil! It seems Mr. Siilanyo sided on the falsehood and on the evil side. Wrong choices indeed! I wish he did not do that!
A great leader is the one who has the guts to face the danger coming to his country and goes out to confront It., it is unfortunate that Mr.Siilanyo declined deliberately or not to confront the problems he and his collection of small minds created.
I believe that the president took the very path late dictator Siyad Barre travelled which in the end costed him his presidency, his country and his live!

To avert these disastrous mismanagement of the government of Somaliland, to avert the serious consequences that will emanate from the acts of the oligarchies of Siilanyo’s administration we have to confront it and rescue the Republic sooner rather than later.
I would say, “Mr. President, take the moral side, of this situation this time, and correct the wrongs done by you and your unthinking body of people you assembled or let others do it! Don’t insist on the deceptive and disastrous policy of yours. It will lead you more wrongs and that will lead Somaliland to catastrophic end!” We will be there in that sorrow situation if we are not there already. Rescue is the only option there is. Be part of it. Don’t be against it. Your minister of information already declared that your government is against that Rescue of Somaliland!!(Badbaadu Qaran)
Let us protect our country from the oligarchies. In so doing, let them go where they want to take the country alone. If the President changes his oligarchy government, pursue the cause and the case of Somaliland in regional and international arena, and stop the nonsense of ‘our future is in the hands of somalia, and the British is pressuring us and the rest of these deceptive propaganda and summon his sense’- that is all the people are asking for.
If the president insists and I think he will, in continuing undoing what we have done for Somaliland for the last twenty years, then it is a duty for all those who care their country to separate the man from the country and save the Republic from him and his oligarchies.

Peace and prayers for the country and the people of Somaliland and the region at large.


Ibrahim Mead