Is Siilanyo’s administration an “Awr dabarla’aan dhacay”ready for an intervention?


Ibrahim Mead
Ottawa, Canada

Siilanyo’s government has no policy for any thing, I don’t know if they have one for corruption, dishonesty, disinformation and apathy! I don’t know if the president him self needs to be rescued. I however believe that Somaliland is alone, isolated and under the ‘politics of the belly’ I also believe that the pack which is running our affairs is apathetic!

What does policy mean?
It is all about legitimacy, faithfulness. It is all about conviction not convulsion and confusion when accused of corruption and crookedness. It is about learning from your mistakes not denying it and living in denial as Siilanyo’s pack usually do!
Honesty is the bedrock of any policy to move forward. Siilanyo’s administration lacks this and worse yet they don’t worry about it a bit! Probably they are not conscious at all.
The policies and politics of sillanyo’s crowd have their shoes on the other foot!

Honesty is the best policy. It is a course of action. It is a guiding principle considered measured and beneficial. It is also reasonableness and prudence in practical matters
Honesty is the best policy which means that one must always be honest even when he has done something disagreeable. There is no honesty; in Siilanyo’s crowd. There is no levelheadedness in Siilanyo’s administration. And they know not that they know not!

A Minister I know very well lately said some thing to the effect that the people of Somaliland get nervous when ever we mention Somalia / Somaliland talks! What that brother did not say was that the Somaliland people know what he does not confess, which is that Somaliland people believe that they have no serious government to promote and defend their cause. That is what they worry about a lot, not Somalia /Somaliland talk per se! There is no trust there; in his government that is.

Somaliland is in an uncertain, precarious position. We are in a deteriorating position in which if not confronted and intervened sooner rather than later we loose Somaliland.

An intervention and rescue is not new to a Siilanyo administration! An intervention and salvation of SNM under Siilanyo administration happened in 1988. I was a member, a vice chair person and the secretary of the nine member committee that did the intervention at that time. (Ibrahim Maigag, Tuur, Mohd Ali Farah, Ali Tuur ad otheres were members of the said committee of nine)
In Allah’s grace we succeeded in that endeavor. We saved the (SNM) organization and we saved the beleaguered Siilanyo who was the chairman of SNM at that time.
Isn’t it time to do the same thing even though the circumstance is different!?
I believe we have to if we want to have Somaliland as we know it.
The great nationalist poet “Marxuum Cabdillaahi Suldaan, Timacadde, maanso uu tiriyay 1961kii uu kutelmaamayo dooladeenii aan xamar kutuurney xalkayga
“Dan Soomaaliyeed lama hayee, wa dabbaal kale,
Shacbigii dagaalka u gala, daadsan suuqyada e’,
Danbarkeedii Maandeeq nimaan, doonin baa dhamaye,
Dawarsadaha qaawani kuwuu, daasaddaw madhiyay,
Ee daasaskeennii wixii yaallay, lagu doortay,
Dikhsi lama xisaabsanid haddaad, daw ku kulantaan e’,
Dibjirkiyo haddaan lala hadlay, dumarkan gaajaysan,
Ninnaan dawlad baa Xamar fadhida, haw dabbaal-degin e’
Hadduun baa sidii buul-duqeed, daaha loo rogaye,”

It seems that the poet is talking to us to day. It seems that he is speaking about the situation in Somaliland. It seems that he is expressing the dismay and disappointments the Somaliland people got from Siilanyo and crowd. It seems he is addressing the need for intervention before we loose Somaliland as we know it.
These above lines are the true picture of to day’s Somaliland under Siilanyo’s administration! I believe intervention is warranted to rescue our beloved Somaliland. I hope the tantrums running our affairs don’t take offensive for this call of intervention as to rescue the Mother. We did that before as mentioned above and we succeeded in Allah’s grace.
Peace and prayers for Somaliland

Ibrahim Mead