A Day Called Tomorrow, Is Waiting You

Ah, to be a little kid again with
skinned knees that is easier to heal than broken heart. In the gol
den years of childhood, we used to be ourselves and nobody else. As
kids we did things just for fun and to make us laugh. Authenticity
was an involuntary impulse in our veins. There were no false notes
on our cheeks.
We used to hate rain at night and we did not like goodbyes. With a
gentle heart that was tied wi th an easy thread. Honesty with a
sincere smile which goes hand in hand with a strong desire fo r
beauty and pleasure. A pleasure seeker from sunrise to sunset.
A teen – age era that runs after beautiful dreams, beautiful
flowers, and beautiful scenes. Ah, I wish to be young again with
that imperial rate of sixty horsepower. No mortgage headache, no
monthly utility bills, no burden of responsibility, and with no
worries of any sort. Socializing mys elf with those courteous
girls that have great smile, which reflects a glow of happiness.
That sle eping beauty with curly hair and romantic eyes that
are dressed up with bushy eye – brows.
Those heavenly bodies of the category ,slim and tall. Those silky
long legs and cozy boobs are st ill impressed on my memory. Innocent
,heart to heart talk that respects Somali ethics and moral values.
Those royal beauty queens with dimple on their cheeks when they
smile, were my love – interest. A romantic dinner decorated with a
bunch of flowers and lot of lightening candles on the table.
After supper, then strolling or walking to the beach. Sometimes
staying home, watchi ng a movie while courting and cuddling on the
coach. But up to now, always my marriage ends up with dragging my
feet and a broken heart, due to Mother In Law from hell. In several
times, I was trapped in a life – boat by a witch Mother In Law from
hell. She always misjudges me by reading an evil on my eyes; and
suspecting me on unhealthy marriage. I got heckled in several
occasions where my brain went blank; and my cunning wit evaporated.
Slapped the door on my face and received dark angry words from
Mother - In – Law from hell.
That bad impression of the Mother In Law from hell, left a never
lasting bad taste in my mouth. A Mother – In – Law from hell that we
have prepared her coffin but always survives all flood an d
fire. Owing to that, up to now, my marital status always ends up
with crash and burn. Because my wife is always her mother’s slave.
She would hang on her for every word, whenever she cri ticizes
everything about me. My dressing, my diet, and my eating habits, and
the way I will raise up my child. Not being allowed to wear even the
shirt and the pant that I prefer. Dear reader, If a cow gets out of
the pen, and the calf follows. You don’t get mad at the calf. You
put the cow back in the pen. The Mother - In - Law from hell is the
butt of all jokes and comedies of all over Africa. She is always the
cause of all doom and gloom of broken families and all divorces.
Spreadi ng enmity among families and friends. That is a brief
spectrum of my social habit – ordeals. But my psychological
dependence is strictly banned, and tightly sealed under the Privacy
Of Informa tion Act.
Dr.Gabose, your diplomacy is the art of letting some one else, show
you his own way. Slander ex pires at a good man’s door. It is good
when you are hunting for the truth; to have your mind fr ee of
false friends. Always pick the path that leads to where you can see
further. At least a fla sh of mother- wit will help you more
better than your false perception.
Because your wild mule of reasoning don’t kick according to the
rules. You always make a moun tain out of a molehill. Because
you believe that a Monkey in hard times eats red pepper. That is
because you adorn and worship your Mother – In – Law from hell.
Dr.Gabose If you have many faces. Your brain acts as if your ideas
are working it’s way, painfully down a constricted pipe. You have a
long way to go. To shake the dust of Injustices and despair off our
shoes and our lip s. In Somaliland there is always a reason to
think overtime. A drowning man does not need a mi rror. He
needs a hand, a way out, and a swimming lessons. Econometric is the
art of drawing a crooked line from unproven assumption. A census
taker is a person who goes from one house to another to increase the
population. The spinal column is a long bunch of bones . The head
sits on the top and you sit on the bottom. All our dreams can come
true if we have the courage to say NO to the crook. Because those
who wish to appear wise among fools, among the wise seem foo
lish. It is possible to fail in many ways, while to succeed is
possible only in one way. Dr.Gabose,
y ou are an enigmatic machivellian leader who can’t be trusted due
to your perplex approach. Your recent strong vested interest
in the Global market of the Industry of pornography and the
strip-tease, have raised our eyes brows.
According to your perception of democracy. You will transform and
turn Hargeisa to resemble
M ogadishu of
1961. By introducing pornography and erotic sexual behavior
in the capital Hargeisa and other towns of Somaliland. The Show –
Girls and strip – bars will be built next akin to Sheikh AbdulQadir
Mosque, and the Liquor stores will be erected next to Malin Jama
School. Promising to hold in the near future , a beauty – contest in
all towns of Somaliland. For the purpose of attr acting more
profitable market for his Brother – In – Law, his honor ,the
uncircumcised Sheikh Ab diraheam. Besides that, he has the intention
of instructing the Ministry of Education to enforce our School –
Girls to attend classrooms while they are half naked. For the
purpose of irritating more the public as well as the masses and the
religious cleric – men. But according to his fascist – mafia
cultured from Sicily, he is aiming to mystify and fascinate our
School teachers; and to ac commodate an atmosphere of relief and
relaxation in the classrooms.
Moreover, to lure and blackmail more, our poor Somaliland girls who
are defenseless by the law and paralyzed by poverty. Turning on a
very painful page of a dark history which may be open ed now and
then, in our modern history. Dr.Gabose viewed law and morality with
the profound est contempt. Heightened the shock of contrast in
his press release in the BBC Radio, Somali Br oadcasting.
Deeply left a dark mark in our hearts and souls for many reasons.
He left in the social circles of Somalilanders a nerve never to be
filled up for recovery. Dr.Gabose, you
can wrestle with the wild animals, you can debate with the lettered
men, you ca n slip the law through the loop – holes and by turning a
blind eye. But you can’t escape from the Good
God in the sky. A day called tomorrow,
is waiting you. How many times I quoted in my pre vious
writing that you are an alien with an alien
culture. Traced your twist and turns of caustic judgment, and
I have given your true congenial image since your birthday.
Offering a comprehensive synthesis of your
true image and identity. But everybody
gave me a deaf ears. Those nuts that shaped you in the past,
as an Islamic fundamentalist, made a big mist ake.
A day called tomorrow, is waiting you.
You are cute when you are angry.