enduring legacy in Africa
sub-Sahara Africa in February he was greeted by large and tumultuous
crowds of admirers - which mystified many of his critics, who
believe that the animosity toward his administration abroad is
universal. But polling data from the Pew Foundation shows something
different: Approval ratings for the United States exceed 80 percent
in many African countries, some with large Muslim populations. In
Darfur, many families name their newborn sons George Bush.
What is it that the Bush administration did differently in Africa
than it did elsewhere?
Certainly one factor is that Africa is not the Middle East or
central Asia where America is fighting two unpopular wars and where
polls show America at an all-time low in public esteem. In Sudan,
the United States played a central role as peacemaker in ending a
20-year civil war between the Arab north and African south, which
killed 2 million people.
It was the Bush administration that first raised the alarm about the
atrocities in Darfur, organized a massive humanitarian relief effort
to save people in the displaced camps, and rallied an international
coalition to send peacekeeping troops to restore order through the
United Nations and the African Union.
While the civil war continues, casualties have declined and people
are being fed by aid agencies, thanks to US government generosity,
which may explain why Bush is so popular among the Africans in the
camps. America has played an important role as mediator in Burundi,
Liberia, Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic
of the Congo after civil wars devastated all five countries.
Administration policy in Africa has not been without its failures:
its military campaign in Somalia has been an embarrassment, putting
vulnerable people at risk.
However important these diplomatic efforts may be, Bush's enduring
legacy in Africa rests on humanitarian and economic, not political,
foundations. More than anything else it has been the revolution in
the US government's development assistance that is responsible for
Bush's popularity.
The Bush administration doubled foreign aid worldwide over the past
eight years, the largest increase since the Truman administration,
and used it to encourage poor countries to undertake political and
economic reform. Total US government development aid to Africa alone
has quadrupled from $1.3 billion in 2001 to more than $5 billion in
2008, and is scheduled to go to $8.7 billion in 2010, principally
for education (primary school enrollment in Africa is up 36 percent
since 1999), healthcare, building civil society, and protecting
fragile environments.
Africa has received $3.5 billion in additional funds from Bush's
Millennium Challenge Corporation initiative, which rewards poor
countries that encourage economic growth, govern well, and provide
social services for their people. The president's HIV/AIDS program,
principally focused on providing Africans with anti-retroviral drugs
to treat the disease (1.7 million people are on the therapy), has
been such a success that the program has been extended to 2015 at
$48 billion. His five-year, $1.2 billion effort to combat malaria
has provided 4 million insecticide-treated bed nets and 7 million
drug therapies to vulnerable people.
The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act, approved in 2000 and
reauthorized in expanded form in 2004, provides trade benefits with
the United States for 40 African countries that have implemented
reforms to encourage economic growth. Since 2001, US exports to
Africa have more than doubled to $14 billion a year, while African
exports to the United States more than tripled to $67 billion, of
which $3.4 billion has been in goods other than oil. USAID has
provided more than $500 million in trade capacity building for poor
countries to access international markets, which is the only way
Africa will escape the poverty that has for too long oppressed the
While Bush's critics have given him little credit for his African
initiatives, they will be among his most enduring legacies in a
region of the world neglected by policymakers from both parties for
too long. Africans will long remember what Bush' critics have
Source: The Boston Globe