A cloud of suspicion is hanging over the head of Mr. Siilanyo’s policies


Ibrahim Mead Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada


Author’s note:

Suspicion is defined as ‘questionable. Have doubts of some thing etc
People are suspicious of president Siilanyo’s foreign policies not for no reason!
Telling the people that (misrepresenting the facts) participating Somalia’s never-ending confer ences in this place or that place when Somaliland is only recognized simply as a peaceful region in  (none existent) Somalia is good for Somaliland, and a way for recognition, is simply so outlan dish and preposterous that it defies understanding!
The author wonders if it is “Sifironian”in action or just the evolution of Siilanynism!

That unwise move on the part of Mr. Siilanyo broke legislated order prohibiting the  participati on of Somalia’s conferences by any one or any entity in so far Somalia and sponsors of her unp roductive conferences deny the existence of Somaliland as an independent state! This Siilanyo move harms the hopes, aspirations, decisions, unity of the people and the determination of the rights of the people of Somaliland!

It creates (already created) confusion and conflicts among the Somaliland population! It shows (it already showed) the appearances of deceiption as far as Siilanyo’s policies are concerned!

“Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants, “wa amaanatihim Raacoon” (Almoominoon) had the Siilanyo government observed their trusts and their covenants?
That means observe the trust entrusted to you and observe your covenants. Covenants creat e obligations an express and implied trust and covenants taken together cover the whole field of obligations. Belittling or worst betraying a trust is not only immoral but un-Islamic as stipula ted here in the book of Allah. Oh, ye lead, heed.

The people are disappointed in Siilanyo’s ever debacle (fiasco) in the local front, east and west, compounded by the foreign affairs regarding his recent move of accepting that Somaliland is a region in Somalia by virtue of participating Somalia’s conferences!!

The subject under suspicion ought to clarify him self and his policies in the local and foreign aff airs! The buck stops at the president’s desk. At Mr. Siilanyo, and no one else!
Others like the Minister of foreign affairs and the Interior are civil servants but when they com mit wrong as both of them did, they themselves must come before the people’s representative and answer serious questions!

On the other hand the representatives ought do their duty and call any body and every body concerned and ask them the relevant questions. If any deceptive activities or even in capabili ties or bad policies and bad politics are found, the subjects in question must be asked to be acc ountable on their actions and inactions!

The question is, why all that, provided the government is honest and I am not saying they are not? It was a serious flaw in Mr. Siilanyo’s thinking! However if mistakes were made and indeed they were made, why don’t they say so? With good intention or with what ever and then corr ect them selves! End of story! “Al iqraau fadeelah”
But because they did not, we have to expose their unwise and unlawful acts in sequence!

This is how events which caused the suspicion happened in sequence:

1- Upon announced his presidential win Mr. Siilanyo pronounced in the hall of his party- Kumiye that the experienced party veterans (who put him there) will not be in his government! With out saying, it has been noticed that he also distanced him self from two other groups:

a) The experienced nationalists
b) SNM veterans!

Instead he gathered a collection of people, (some are educated some are not) whom most of them don’t have the emotional and psychological connection with the 2nd Republic of Somalilan d! That means they will not stand up for the Mother!

2-Any serious person Mr. Siilanyo thought he or she could stop him when he is wrong in serious issues, were avoided. They were not included in his administration!
Some people say this suspicion amounts to deception! And the president is up to some thing no good! Who knows?

3-suspicion stirred up when Mr. Siilanyo welcomed the traitors of Somaliland; Sifir and kaloon

4-when he sent his Minister of foreign affairs to London-England to participate the Somalia con ference at Wilton-park, knowing that such act would break an out-standing legislation passed by both houses of congress which prohibits any participation by any person or group or gover nment official to attend to any Somalia’s conferences any where, and if participated, it criminalizes such act and the actors thereof!

5-Worst still the Siilanyo administration stretched out about what they have done, and shame lessly insist on that misrepresentation of facts!
The author quoted Mr. Henry Bellingham, the British Minister for Africa, and this is what he said to Garaad of the BBC-Somali section who interviewed the minister when he was visiting Nigeria, and this is what he said of Somaliland! “Dowlada Dagaanka Somaliland”-the Somaliland Region!”

6-Siilanyo’s strange move has already created conflicts between the Somaliland people! Instead of uniting the people, Siilanyo’s suspicious policies are dividing the people, and that is a serious matter of grave consequences! History will remember him as the divider!

7- Siilanyo’s ill thought and at times confusing policy bordering deception encouraged neighbo ring countries like Ethiopia!
The foreign Minister of that country said, “Somaliland must participate the up coming creation of a new charter for Somalia!” hinting that Somaliland is just a region like puntland and Galgadood regions as was the case in recent Somalia conference at Wilton park in London!

8- It will encourage the gutless wonderers as well as the sleeper cells of Somaliland haters to participate all kinds of Somalia’s conferences of all places as the Siilanyo administration did! Who will say to them don’t you go!

Siilanyo’s administration has participated Somalia’s conference in London! They misrepresented the facts and the truth of it! Indeed lied about it.
He has to be accountable of the consequences of this deceptive act!
If he did not mean it, Ok, he has to correct his policy and apologize to the people of the acts executed by his Minister for foreign affairs under his directives.

Somaliland has been tarnished by Siilanyo administration!
The Mother has been betrayed in the recent Somalia conference in London!
What is hurting is not only the lies the administration put together to save their skin but how easily some people bought that lie! Some bought it because they have to defend what ever to uches Mr. Siilanyo’s sleep walking government, others did not understand what has happened, others are cabals and goons,while still others are out-right none believers of Somaliland! Different categories of people here!

9-The truth was that the Siilanyo administration broke a law passed by the two houses of congress prohibited for any one to participate Somalia’s conferences.
In this case the government was supposed to explain in truth and in details to the people thro ugh their representatives explaining why it is the interest of Somaliland as a sovereign indepe ndent state and not a region like “Galgudood and puntland” to participate the London Somalia conference, while not breaking the law of the land!?

10-When some one is talking about talking to Somalia regarding the recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign state as some people like Mr. xinaf who is a member of Siilanyo’s administration and probably an advisor to the president, talked about this sensitive issue carelessly, indiffere ntly and irresponsibly, some thing is fishy!
Who would any one talk to in Somalia in the first and the second place?
Who represents Somalia? One faction, two factions or four factions!?

There are four factions in Somalia who don’t talk to each other, let alone to you or to any body else! Which one would you speak to? And don’t you forget that they all hate Somaliland!
Which one has the popular backing and the popular authority and legitimacy to negotiate with Somaliland and with any body else for that matter on behalf of Somalia? NOE is the answer! Therefore what are these people talking about? What is the point of Mr. Siilanyo the presid ent?

c- Are those reading the government’s line holding water for an ill-intending entity?
d- Are they dispensing ignorance with out borders with out knowing they are doing that?
e- Or are they gutless wonderers? Who knows?
Most likely they are surrogates for the Siilanyo administration,Unless proven otherwise

11- would ( you) any body talk to”Farmajo” the appointed Prime Minister and a niece of “Äfwaini” who exposed the Afwainian thinking and mentality when he claimed that he is doing a water project in Hargeisa and in Boosaso which he claimed that they are under his jurisdiction!? That was reminiscent to his uncle “Afwaini” when the uncle told the Somali people that “Buroa and Hargeisa were playing a foot ball match” when in fact the said cities were out of his hands and under the control of the liberation movement-SNM!

The said Farmajo , the imported package, made Prime Minister and his President Shareef don’t control any place any where in Somalia. The African Union solders are controlling portions of Mogadiho on their behalf. Can Mr. Xinaf and likes show the right thinking- mind where the beef is here? Where is the “Goodir” in you argument sir? Is your Boss on board here? Well, it is relev ant question one may tempt to ask!

12-There are people like Mr. Fuad Aden Ade who without any respect for the rights of the  peo ple of Somaliland to determine their fate and to decide their self determination through consent and consensus in Buroa in 1991 and affirmed that through the charter of Borama in 1993, then sealed that in their 2001 referendum in which Mr. Fuad participated and voted for yes or for no mocked and demeaned all that!
Remember this guy is also a member of Mr. Siilanyo’s administration!
Mr. Siilanyo and his administration did not say any thing about what these officials said! What is going on in Siilanyo’s government? No question that there is a heavy cloud hanging on Siilanyo and his cabals! And don’t forget they live the demeaned people's tax

The follies and the yahoos in Somaliland who are out there to demean and diminish the fundam ental human rights of self determination of the people of Somaliland, and the hopes and aspir ations of the people of Somaliland are also there to live the tax collected from the people they are despising their hopes and aspirations which the Somaliland people strived for it, died for it and endeavoring for it as of now!

Is it just nuts out there seeking attention or probably vent hate against Somaliland which fee ds them as their livelihood depends on her! Somaliland haters do this thing from time to time!
Is it an ignorance with out borders regarding the history and the feelings of the Somaliland pe ople who were abandoned by their leaders and lived in an abused live under Somalia governme nts, as well as the history of the liberation in which the people paid blood and treasure to rea ch where they are now!

No one, president or any one else can not revoke the rights of self determination of a people expressed in a Referendum Ratified thereafter, as the case here, let alone waakoos of no rea son and responsibilities who mock and demean the Mother with or with out the blessing of this Siilanyo administration!

The train has left the station with speed and it is unwise for any body to stand in the way of that moving train.

Peace and prayers





Ibrahim Mead
Political analyst
Ottawa, Canada